Prospecting For Gold in Our Days

Throughout the history people manifested a fascination for gold which lead to thefts, murders and arranged marriages. During certain historical moments, when people felt free to roam the world and get rich overnight, the famous gold rushes appeared.

Prospecting for gold was a very difficult and consuming activity especially when people put all their hopes in it. Spending too much time in the cold water of rivers made people become ill and even die.

If they were lucky and actually found something valuable they had to clench their teeth instead of manifesting their happiness. There were no limits to greed and to the frustration of those who were spending weeks or months finding nothing or missing the rich spots.

The gold rush was associated with the image of long bearded men, wearing shabby clothes, large dirty hats and being accompanied by a donkey which carried their provisions and equipment. Things have changed nowadays as a result of progress.

 You can get in the wildest areas of the mountains with a good jeep which can carry provisions for a week or two. Furthermore, once you have found gold, you don't need to fear being robbed on the way home, because you will get home in a very short time in the safety of your vehicle.

The tools are also different even if they are created on the same principles as the old ones. For example the basic tools for prospecting gold are pans and classifiers. You can still find them in specialized stores, having a new design and being made of modern materials.

Sluice boxes are also a good way of separating gold from other impurities. But there are also high-tech tools like gold metal detectors or electrically powered dredges and sluices.

Times are different now. People are not forced to make a living out of gold prospecting because there are several jobs available for everybody. The level of violence has decreased and humanity found other objects to dream about, like cool cars, i-Pods and computers.

 Nevertheless some of the persons who used to be treasure hunters as children can still feed their adventurous nature by gold prospecting trips. Finding gold bullion is still a charming dream but people are aware that there are little chances of becoming rich overnight.

Learn from professionals how to buy gold bullion in times of recession.
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