Equipment Used For Gold Prospecting

Prospecting for gold can be done in various ways. The simplest way is to use a gold pan like the old time prospectors did in the days of the gold rush, with simple metal pans equipped with small ridges on the inside to help trap gold.

These days pans come in many varieties and sizes, and plastic pans have become very popular due being lightweight, and design seems to be better and gold holding efficiency increased. Pans are inexpensive ranging from $10 for the simplest metal pans and even the best pans on the market can be found for under $50. This is a pretty simple and inexpensive way to begin searching for gold.

Another piece of equipment which will allow a much greater amount of material to be panned effectively is a sluicebox. These were used extensively in the old days of prospecting and were usually homemade, built with a log or wooden frame, and placed in the shallow water of a river bed allowing water to flow through. The material was then shoveled into the sluice allowing it to flow down over a set of ridges, or riffles on the bottom, creating eddies which trapped the heavier rocks, such as gold, which is one of the heaviest minerals on earth.

These days an amazing variety of sluiceboxes are available, and are usually constructed of lightweight metal, with special rubber mats incorporated to provide much better gold retention than the original sluices. They can be found in a variety of sizes from folding models, which can be carried in a backpack, to much larger one piece sluices used in larger commercial operations. Still affordable, basic sluiceboxes can be found from $50 to $150.

Going one step farther, power sluicers and highbankers are now a popular item for those involved in small to medium size operations where enough revenue is being generated to warrant the use of more powerful and of course more expensive methods.

 Incorporating small gas engines usually, they can suck up large volumes of material from a creek or riverbed to supply to the sluicebox, and use this water supply to wash the material through. Huge amounts of material can be run through this way in a day, which is then removed from the sluice and the smaller, more concentrated volumes of material can then be panned traditionally. Prices for these can run from around $500 to several thousand dollars.

Larger, commercial equipment is available is available, however is beyond the scope of this article which outlines some of the more basic and affordable types of equipment available for recreational type prospecting.

One other accessories within the scope of this article, which is quite popular as well, is the metal detector. Normally used on the beach or in public areas for finding lost items, this piece of equipment has become very popular in the prospecting fiels as well. With this equipment the price tag has a real bearing on the ability of the detector to find precious metals.

The lowest model will be of little value, however a ballpark figure ranging between $500-$1000 will buy something that can produce significant results, once technique is practiced. Even big companies are using detectors now to supplement traditional techniques in known mineral reserves. Some amateur prospectors have had great success using them in old mine workings, where resources were overlooked previously.

A wealth of information exists on all of this equipment and can be searched easily online. Retailers and suppliers of prospecting equipment are readily available online as well. A small amount of money is all it takes to get equipped with the basics and have some fun, and enjoy the thrill of the hunt. For those with bigger wallets and aspirations, the skies the limit.

Terrence Knight is a full time pilot, and recreational prospector and outdoor enthusiast who enjoys writing articles relating to these fields. Additional articles and bio can be found on his blog at
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