How To Make MLM Prospecting Fun and Effortless

Often times, prospecting may seem like a daunting task. Many network marketers shy away from prospecting because they fear rejection. Contrary to widely held belief, prospecting can be actually a fun and effortless activity if one understands and puts in to practice couple of key principles.

The key to being a master prospector is letting go of all your fears. Fear is probably the number one reason why your MLM business is not progressing as you want it to. If you want to become wildly successful in your prospecting, you simply need to let go of fear all together. You've got to let go of "What will my friends think?" and "What will people think about me?" By rationalizing your fears, you are simply limiting yourself to the opportunities that may come along the way. Just don't let fear hold you back any longer. By being intrepid and asking people to look at your opportunity, you will be well on your path to success.

If you think about it, prospecting is a beautiful term to describe what we do as network marketers. We can certainly compare ourselves like miners panning for gold. There are abundance of prospects and opportunities out there. You can think of them as an inexhaustible stream that cannot be depleted. If you have this kind of 'abundance' mentality, you will abandon the sense of desperation to chase after a prospect and ask him/her to join your opportunity. You really want to filter out the gunk and keep nuggets of gold, the kind of people that will build your opportunity without flaking out or giving excuses.

Prospecting certainly does take practice and it takes quite of bit of time to perfect. One way to become a effortless prospector is to talk about your opportunity when people ask you "What do you do?" When you encounter people they naturally want to know what you do for a living. This is probably your best shot in telling them about your opportunity.

This strategy of course, requires bit of tact and discreetness. Recently, I was at a house warming party for neighbors of mine and they happen to have a Bichon Frise dog. So I naturally struck up a conversation and told the host, "You know Rob, my friend who is a top income earner in his company has as Bichon too." This naturally got him curious and we both had a productive conversation where he agreed to take a look at my presentation at an appointed time.

You can certainly become an excellent prospector by habituating yourself to prospect wherever you go. A couple days ago, I was waiting in line in a grocery store and the guy in front of me wore an auto mechanics shirt. I supposed that he worked for the dealership, so I struck a conversation.

Somehow, one way or the other, the conversation lead to vehicle incentive awards program in my company and he got curious as to how folks in my company are awarded vehicles for their efforts. So I asked for his business card and at that moment I had a lead!

The most important thing to remember is to get rid of fear altogether and put on prospector's thinking cap. Always strike a conversation wherever you go and try to get a lead if you can. By doing so, you will be able to build your network marketing empire one step at a time.

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