Gold Prospecting Tools and How to Find Gold

Here delivered to you is a small summary of weeks of research on the internet. I had been so upset that there is not one central place yet where one is able to learn ALL of the details of gold prospecting in one place. This subject is essentially geology and geology is not simple. Certain geologic and chemical processes lead to the formations we are looking for but even then it is embedded in rock.

 Here hopefully I can clear up some confusion on how we can locate what we are looking for along with some of the gold prospecting equipment involved. To learn more you can visit my site. My goal is to take the very beginner and give them the tools to go out and find some gold without a lot of frustration.

The Bureau Of Land Management

BLM's site contains maps on what the land in the area you are searching is being used for. Also it will show any existing claims in the area.

Maps are one of the best tools you can have.

Use any of the online mapping sites like Google maps, Bing or MapQuest to know where you want to go before you leave the house. A gold prospect map I have made is available for Colorado that shows all places where gold has been found in the past. Other states will become available in the future so check my site and request your state if it does not appear. Looking at the maps it is not often you will find a mine so big that a company has come in and started an open pit mine but there are some spots.

They are plain to see if you zoom into the maps you can see a giant hole dug out and if you follow along the edges of these sites you can find gold.

Gold is so dense and heavy it eventually works its way down by the path of least resistance into the lowest spot.


The major rivers would be a good place to start to look since rivers move over time cutting off places where it once flowed leaving a dry tract where the river once was. One could go there and detect on dry ground and perhaps find a placer deposit. Using topographical maps on the internet you can spot where such places exist.

 You can also trace the geology where water runoff patterns turn into tributaries for a nearby river when you see hills or mountains in the area you are searching. It is in these places where the water has eaten the rock above that gold in the rock is freed running off into a gulch that is dry most of the time and you can search for gold there. In fact some spots where no one looks because it is zoned for housing and there is housing already up.

 If you can talk the owner ask permission to prospect on the land. When we hit the third and last stage of the Bull gold market it will be so amazing that it will be remembered as the most lucrative gold event in history. So how much they are going to let you keep will depend on the people you deal with.


Places where glaciers have been are good places to look since the glacier has carried away the soil and torn the rock into rubble making lose gold easy to find. You can do a search for glaciers that may have been near you. Here in Colorado there are many such places and I will be searching and tell you how productive I have been.

In today's world since the technology has increased greatly we can find things others would have missed. People will look in the tailings of abandoned mines which are piles left behind by miners.

 It is important to note that entering any mine is akin to suicide since they are so very dangerous especially old mines. There is a lot of information you need to read to understand just how dangerous this can be, so avoid going into any mine.

The third and last stage of the gold bull market will be remembered as the most lucrative gold event ever

Searching such places means you will need equipment that will allow you to avoid interference caused by heavy mineralization and high iron content and other junk that might give you a false positive. A professional gold metal detector will save you time, money and the frustration caused by inferior equipment. The best metal detector I know of so far is a MNELAB GPX 4500 it is the highest quality of all the Gold detectors.

I have called every place in Denver, CO and made a user map to find out how much it is to rent the equipment and what type of device they have and the going rate. It looks like they mostly carry the Garret Ace 250 which the store keepers say can only help you find jewelry that has been lost in a park and other such things. It is not for serious prospecting. If you know of a place that will rent the real deal then email me.

So in closing if you have the gold prospecting tools you need it will take a lot of the guess work out and make you productive in your search. More in-depth information on this subject can be found on my site.

I will post some links so you can find more information about the types and brands of gold prospecting tools and gold mining equipment you will need. This map is a very important resource for gold prospectors. This article in audio.
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