Bosses in a frenzy to employ staff!

By Mark Read

Australia was one of the few nations that was not hit too hard by the recession. In reality at the moment the industry is booming, creating hundreds and thousands of positions and sending employers looking for qualified staff to fill available positions.

If you're thinking about switching jobs or merely perusing for a role with a better pay scale and benefits and perks, now is a good time to be looking. There are hundreds of positions out there that are fantasically suited to your wishes with bosses raring for you to start!

If there is a particular niche that you've an interest in, it might be worthwhile to have a look at the varied options you can choose from. The industrial boom has brought 1 or 2 new and unique positions that might require some reading up to appreciate completely! Designations like Technology Evangelist or Design Ninja aren't uncommon and are perfect fits for individuals with a particular skill base. Nonetheless you won't ever know what these designations need unless you have got some help to understand them better!

If your waiting for a job offer to pop up in your mail, you could end up waiting for keeps. Bosses are looking for you, but they will not know who are or how your unique skill base can help their company, unless you put yourself out there and get their interest. Use web sites like not only to get yourself noticed and additionally to understand the specifications of each post and exactly what the bosses expect from you.

Don't forget that firms today have no hatred to actually creating new posts built to best use your skill base. Doing your homework before you step into that interview room will make a significant difference between leaving empty handed or landing that perfect occupation.

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What Can You Expect By Doing A Gap Year Project?

By William Davis

Gap Year South Africa (GYSA) offer wonderful opportunities for individuals and groups to invest their valuable time and knowledge into a cause that's both exciting, daring and worthy - serving a needy and deprived community and its people.

Community Service Volunteers

Gap year projects are so engineered that the volunteers are trained into a perfect member of the community they live in. The responsibility towards the members of the society is a exceptional one and requires to be performed with the utmost care and sensitivity as personal bonds are formed that would essential last a long time. GYSA advances the volunteer into community development projects with the sole intention of enhancing the well being of the the local people. Community development programmes identify the areas of need and actively train up the volunteers to render counter services to the needs, such as education, educational improvement, common health keeping practices, AIDS prevention and a vast number of issues affecting different social behaviours.

Diving School Volunteers

In addition to the general community service & upliftment GYSA also offer the opportunity for volunteers to learn underwater diving Training is done by qualified professionals - sea water sports like underwater diving is potentially perilous if not done in a correct way and overseen by an experienced diver. Of course perfecting the art of underwater diving is guaranteed with weekly training training sessions. For the best part of the story, all volunteers also have a chance to get involved in community service at their local destinations. A service to the society, even as basic as scuba diving, always have a good effect and it teaches one to be a caring and giving resident rather than being one that's always needing from others. Thus by teaching the locals to scuba they gain the experiences in being responsible and learning a practical skill, that has shown to be better than classroom teaching.

Coastal projects thus offer the volunteer a fabulous opportunity to not only learn & teach surfing to the local communities but more importantly life skills. GYSA have managed to combine a successful community service plan with that of a teaching plan. This type of community service mentors the locals on both education, health issues, IT awareness and other relevent matters.

The approach of community service & development is a tested and proven model which builds up both the giver and receiver, making undertaking a gap year programme in Africa one of the best experiences you'll ever have.

So, how about joining join us today?

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Acquire a Hospitality Role and Make Your Future Shine

By Mark Read

The Hospitality industry in Australia is getting bigger at a rapid pace. As the working schedule is starting to become tougher the duty for break is rapidly increasing and Australia is one of the most preferred locations in this respect. The profit that the privately owned motels are making is high and they're employing lots of young staffs to serve the guests. At the very same time, expansion is noted in the amount of flights in the continent. If you have still not decided your career then hospitality jobs can be a sound option. Not only it's a high-paid job, it's also a stable industry which should grow more in the future.

If statistics are to be any referenence, the hospitality industry in Australia employs 9% of the labour pool in the continent. It is a great number and you can take part in those 1200,000 employees of the tourism and hospitality sector. The sector spends a lot on the development and coaching of workers which makes them far more competent.

When you get the entrance your path of success will be totally open. Getting trained in this field means, you'll have more opportunities which can convert your dream to reality. There are specific types of positions available under these hospitality positions. Jobs in motels and other places of tourism interest together with managerial and administrative jobs are available.

The salaries will be great in hospitality roles and if you would like to find the best paid jobs you ought to join up with the best search engine for jobs in Australia, . Here you will get access to the highest number of hospitality roles and other roles too.

The internet site covers each category of hospitality roles including hotel maintenance, managerial roles, cooks, store executives, hotel staffs and a lot more. Choose from the brief and permanent roles in this field to enjoy the entire advantage of being linked with one of the largest sectors of Australia.

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Where to Find Gold by Reading Streams and Rivers

Many inexperienced prospectors often get frustrated very quickly when they first start. They're expectations are high and they don't have a lot of experience to work with. While there are many skills one must develop to mature into a successful prospector, the one all beginners should focus on immediately is their ability to judge, read, and otherwise locate gold in streams and creeks. It's not rocket science so a good foundation goes a really long way!

Firstly you must realize that gold in itself is very heavy. It has a specific gravity of 19.3, so in other words it weighs 19 times as much as an equal volume of water. That's quite heavy and there's really only a handful of other elements that weigh more. None of which need any concern for now. The principle that gold is heavy is the foundation of all gold panning and placer mining.

 Gold will settle to the bottom of any turbulent material and it will be the last thing to be washed away by water. This is how the premise of a gold pan works. It's important to know this because once you understand the dynamics and behavior of gold in water, you can begin to predict its behavior in moving water like creeks and rivers.

Now assuming you're working a creek, stream, or river that's known to bare gold - which you should be! - you're going to have to imagine or predict where the gold will be settling as the current pushes it around and deposits it. To do this, Imagine in your mind a thick S curve representing the water flow.

If you where to take a piece of string and run it from the stop of the "S" to the bottom you would notice that it cuts the corners much like a race car driver - the path of least resistance. Along this line is where the gold will be deposited. Note that the line is a complete juxtaposition of the creek's faster moving current. Gold will be deposited on inside corners and just off center in long straight sections. Apply this imaginary string idea to the creek or river before you and start digging.

Since it doesn't do much good to run around checking random spots you may think - or hope - have gold, you're going to want to work on your sampling skills. Sampling isn't the most fun since its rather tedious and monotonous. However it can seriously help you hone in on a good pay streak or honey hole.

Start by finding the high water mark and dig up a sample from the ground. I dig down to three different depths or until I hit bedrock, whichever comes first. Once I've panned out the samples and noted how much black sand or gold I've found at the three depths, I then move towards the center of the creek in 3 or 4 foot increments. Continue in this fashion all the way to the center of the creek if you can, all the while noting how much black sand or gold you're recovering. Remember black sand is heavy like gold, but with a specific gravity between 5 and 11.

 The black sands will be deposited near and around gold. Ideally what you want to look for is the specific spot where the black sand levels drop greatly. It will be nearest the center of the creek because this is where the water moves faster and carries the black sands away. Because gold is heavier this is generally where the gold is deposited or left unmoved. This will be your pay streak and all your work has hopefully paid off. Follow the pay streak longitudinally up and down the creek till it runs out.

So there you have it, two very useful methods of finding gold in most streams, creeks and rivers. Armed with this knowledge you should be able to find at the very least a little bit of gold. That's a far cry better than NO gold and nobody can argue with that! Happy prospecting and good luck!
Visit the complete guide to Finding gold in streams and Gold Panning Lessons if you're interested in learning more!
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7 Tips on Prospecting for Gold With a Metal Detector

My most pleasant and relaxing pastime is to roam through the Victorian Iron Bark Forests, just as the sun rises, swinging a Metal Detector. At that time of the day the wallabies are just a couple of metres away, standing and watching you as you move so slowly and quietly along.
Ah, beautiful! Then 'buzzzip' in your headphone wakes you. Now I've got to dig this target up, but later.
The First thing you are going to need is a Metal Detector
  1. Minelab Detectors are the best to use in Australian Goldfields. Heavy with Iron Stone, the ground reacts noisily with other brands, but Minelabs have the ability to tune the effect out. Detectors can be hired (with tools) from businesses in towns close to the old Goldfields, or if you buy one, you'll pay $4000 or so for a used one. You'd find that the business would give you coaching even if you hired one for a few days, and that way you would have access to the very latest model.
  2. These detectors need to be moving over a metal target to generate a signal, and the sound that you hear can give you a fairly good indication as to the type of metal target. Lead bullets are very common, and do give a warmer signal (buzzzzim) than Brass (buzzzzitt), while Gold gives a very mellow (buzzzoom), which once heard, you'll never forget.
  3. Where do you go? This is the most asked question, and the answer that I always give, is to start out at one of the old Goldfields. If you're camping or caravanning you can camp close to the old workings, and then you could pick a Goldfield a bit further from town.
  4. You do need a hand held GPS unit and some maps for your search area and these would be available from the same place you got your detector. Where the visibility is limited by bush, always take a GPS reading where you've parked your vehicle, turn the GPS off to save the battery, and away you go to find your first Nugget.
  5. Where do you start searching? Don't waste time going over the old diggings, but search for a few metres around the perimeter, especially in any low lying spots, or a small gutter running into the area. My biggest Nugget of over 2 Troy Ounces was found in just such a place, that had been really flogged by Metal Detectors.
  6. While you are doing this search, you also keep an eye on the surrounding country, noting Gullys that come in, Ridges, Slopes that are fairly gentle, spotting any Quartz Blows, so that when you get back to camp and are slurping down a Cold One, you can check your maps, and just try to work out where the Gold in the old workings came from, then tomorrow you follow that trail back to what you reckon was the original source.
  7. Now we're going to dig that target up. Get a general idea where the signal is loudest, then sweep the detector coil across that spot in parallel tracks noting the loudest track. Mark that line with your pick, then stand at one end of that line, and do the parallel sweeps again. Where the two loudest sweeps cross is where your target will be. Start a hole about 12 inches across, digging from the outside, you don't want to put your pick through the Nugget. If you get down to 8 or 9 inches and the target is still in the hole, there is a good chance it's Gold.
Don't worry about being a Newbie, I know one who hired a detector from Coiltek in Maryborough, Victoria, in the morning, went out with it, had trouble, took it back to Coiltek for another lesson, went back to his Goldfield and found a 4.5 ouncer.
The thrill you get when you've dug up even a 1 gram piece of Gold is fantastic, and your first thought is to rush back to show it off, but Steady On, there could be another lurking close by, and quite often there is.

Bob Rumball retired from a lifetime of business management during which he owned and managed a Honda Motor Cycle dealership, earning a trip to Japan as one of the leading Honda dealers in Australia. He also managed a Builders Supplies and Hardware business, and a Crop Irrigation Design and Installation service. On Retirement he sold up, got a 28 foot caravan, 4WD, Minelab Metal Detector, and headed for the Australian Goldfields in 5 states. After 7 or 8 years of fairly successful Gold Prospecting, he returned to Queensland, and now spends most of his time writing.

Australian Outack photo-cards, e-books, bush poetry, and gold maps are available at []
He is presently developing a new website at []
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Gold Prospecting Equipment - Should You Build Or Buy?

Last summer, for the very first time, a friend and I developed a passion for gold prospecting. But it wasn't just the finding of the gold that we loved, it was more the understanding of the methods used in finding it, of the engineering of how pans and sluice boxes work. We chose to build our own equipment (for the most part), veering away from the spendy stuff found online. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure that stuff works great. But we wanted the excitement of doing it all ourselves. So how did we build our own gold prospecting equipment? It was simple.

The two most common pieces of equipment in gold prospecting are the gold pan, and the sluice box. Your average gold pan is very cheap, usually about $10. Black plastic is what I prefer. The gold shows up perfectly against the black. Sluice boxes, on the other hand, can get a bit pricey. Building a sluice is actually a lot simpler than it sounds. Using pieces of plastic cut into simple geometric shapes (squares and rectangles) we build a very lightweight sluice box from plastic simply by gluing the pieces together with plastic cement and waiting 24 hours.

 For plans on building your own sluice box, one simply has to type in "sluice box plans" into google and they'll find dozens of step by step instructions on how to build their very own gold catching contraption. A sluice box has a very simple design. It's just a box, after all. Who can't build a box? A lot of outfitters will try and sell you on lightweight, expensive aluminum, wanting top dollar for a simple sluice box. I say why pay the money when you can easily build a sluice with common materials.

But back to the sluice box for a moment. Lightweight plastic is easy to work with. As long as one doesn't buy sheets more than a quarter inch thick, it can be reasonably cut with an exacto blade. Add to that the cost of a bottle of plastic cement and you'll have your very own sluice box in a matter of a few hours and whatever other pieces of gold prospecting equipment you'll need.

The only thing left to do is find a river that has a reasonable amount of gold still hiding away. In California, that's pretty easy to do. Gold infested rivers are scattered all throughout southern and northern California. Different places have different levels of gold, but I'm assuming that those reading this already have a spot picked out.

I hope you liked this article about making your own gold prospecting equipment. If you want to read more, check out my profile on Hubpages
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Sales Prospecting in the Messaging Age

"Prospecting" is a term that has been used by Sales People (more often by Sales Managers) for innumerable years to refer to the process of acquiring new clients. As a word, it has an almost romantic, "old world" flavour that conjures up images of pioneering adventurers hiking into the gold fields "panning" for gold, sifting or digging through tonnes of dirt and rubble to find, after a lot of sweat and toil, nuggets of opportunity.

These days, if you're actually prospecting for gold you no longer use gold pans, pickaxes, shovels or mules.

The world has changed markedly and fundamentally over the last three decades and the pace of change has accelerated over the last few years. At the heart of that change has been the increased pervasiveness of technology in our personal and business lives, capped off by the growing impact of the internet. This has led to a spectacular rise in the quantity of "messages" that we are subjected to.

We have more "messaging" directed at us now than we can consume. I use the word "messaging" rather than "information". "Information" has a neutral tone to it, as though the data presented is that, just data. But, what we get from the internet and other sources of "information", irrespective of how it is packaged, is not neutral: it is designed to influence.

I read an interesting article in my local newspaper a few weeks ago. The author compared the number of employed journalists to the number of employed Public Relations consultants over the last half-century. According to the article, in the 1950's that ratio was roughly 1 journalist to 1 PR person. Today that ratio is roughly 1 journalist to 4 PR people (according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the ratio is projected to increase to 1 journalist to 5 PR people by 2018). Get the message?

We have moved beyond the Information Age and into the Messaging Age.

As private and business consumers (someone's potential prospects), we have taken steps to adapt to the new age. We, a) know that everything is a message, b) have developed very personalised "message filters" to only notice things that actually are of interest to us and c) have heightened our defences to messages that aren't of interest to us right now. We've done this to protect our ability to stay focussed on the task at hand (and to retain our sanity).

So how do you prospect effectively in this new environment?

1. Realise that your Prospect will only hear your message when they want to hear it.
You can't control when your prospect wants to hear your message. What you can do is maximise the chance that, when they want to hear it, your message is available to them. Here's how you do it.

2. Understand and target your niche
In the Messaging Age everyone is a niche player. That doesn't mean that they are a "small" player. It is far easier to differentiate and message to a niche and much more likely that your message will be heard. Understanding your customer has become more important than ever. Not just to ensure that your products or services are of value to your potential market but simply to earn the opportunity to be heard.

3. Sharpen your new prospecting tools
Your new tools are web and technology based. In the Messaging Age, these are your tools of choice. Whether you like it or not every business now has a shopfront in the world's biggest mall. It's a lot cheaper than a physical shop but you still need to be found, people need to walk into your store, they need to enjoy the experience enough to stay for a while and they need to find help if they want it. They also need to have the opportunity to opt into a way of remembering you once they've left.

4. Check that your old tools are still sharp
Like the pick-axes and gold pans of old, sales prospecting tools that you used to rely on (cold calling, direct mail, face-to-face word-of-mouth) may be past their use by date. Are they still effective for you? Have you given up on them when they could still be effective? Are you using them in the right way for your circumstances?

5. Address both existing customers and new prospects, but separately
One thing that hasn't changed is that it's still much harder to get a new customer than to retain an existing one. Existing customers are much more likely to listen to your message (cross-sell or up-sell) than prospects and they are more likely to want to hear it in a more personalised way. For example, newsletters are a good way of keeping your message in front of prospects who have an interest in your offering but are not ready to listen right now. The occasional, personal "cold call" is usually more effective for existing customers.

6. Build a Client Acquisition System
Above all, whether you're a multinational or a sole trader, you need to look at your client acquisition endeavours as an integrated system that addresses your company's unique situation and the behaviours of your niche. Not all tools will be as effective for all businesses and using some tools in the wrong way can even work against you.

In the Messaging Age the Prospect decides when to listen. Effective Sales Prospecting needs to be more analytical, sophisticated and systematic than ever before to deliver sustained results.
Antun Scurla is an independent Sales and Management Consultant ( ) who helps Clients get the best out of their Opportunities, Sales Processes and Prospecting efforts.
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The Benefits of Renting Gold Metal Detectors

It's easy to become addicted to gold after you've tried panning or sluicing as methods to find it. Once you realize that you're hooked, it's best to come up with more practical ways of gold detection.

It is important to realize before purchasing your own gold metal detector that all of these devices are not intended for gold hunting. The reality is that the majority of metal detection devices are ineffectual in gold prone areas due to they fact they can't function well amidst the high levels of mineralization typically found in these areas. Their readings will be inaccurate and will be a source of great frustration for you.

Metal detectors that are specially designed for gold hunting can deal more effectively with mineralization which allows them to detect the most minute amounts of gold once you learn how to use them properly. You'll need lots of experience and persistence to master these metal detectors but once you do, your gold hunting experience will be greatly enhanced as a result.

Because the purchase of a gold metal detector is costly, it may not be feasible for an individual to buy one of these devices if they only go gold prospecting a couple of times yearly.

When prospecting for gold by using panning techniques, you'll more than likely find at least some gold flakes as a result of your efforts. Using a metal detector for gold prospecting necessitates much more endurance. You should prepare yourself for the reality that it may require a few prospecting trips before you locate a gold nugget for the first time. For those individuals willing to put in the time, the rewards will be well worth it.

It is regrettable that many gold seekers abandon metal detecting prematurely and so never find that desired gold nugget. They decide instead to yield to their feelings of frustration and give up their hobby. In too many cases, they resort to selling their brand new top dollar metal detector for much less than they paid for it.

Because of this, I strongly recommend that you either rent a metal detector or borrow one. There are some stores who will also give you the option of a guided tour in conjunction with a rental of a metal detector. This is beneficial for a variety of reasons. The primary reason is that these individuals are familiar with the area and know the most ideal spots where you'll be more likely to locate a gold nugget. The second reason is that a gold detector is not a simple device to operate and these expects will be there to give you some much needed instruction.

The third factor is that metal detection is a much more involved process than simply pressing the on button. Having a professional at your side will help you recognize and locate the signs indicating the presence of gold. The fourth reason is that renting a metal detector will allow you to get some experience with the hobby and with the brand of metal detector you've selected without having to pay from $700 to $5000 before you are definitely sure that this is the hobby and device for you.

If there are no metal detector rentals in your area or if you are intent on buying your own, I strongly suggest that you look into the purchase of a secondhand unit to make sure you like it.
Bill McNeil has been metal detecting almost his entire life (which is a long time!). He is the author of Metal Detectors Online. The site is full of metal detecting tips and reviews on the most popular models. Check it out today!
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Prospecting For Gold - Join The Gold Rush Of 2012

Prospecting for gold - there has never been a better time for this, as gold prices soar and people out of work are ready to try something new.

Even after you grab your gold panning equipment and head for the hills or stream, you have to remember one thing. While gold is relatively easy to find, provided you go to the places where gold has been found before, getting a real quantity of gold is the real challenge.

The yellow stuff is pretty widely dispersed in the US and Canada, and many people live within driving distance of the gold fields. There are prospecting clubs to join, which often have mining claims of their own for the enjoyment of members. Club dues can be quite cheap.

And some states have set aside areas on gold bearing streams where recreational prospecting can be enjoyed with no entry fees to pay. National Forest lands and lands managed by the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) are usually open to prospecting and in some cases filing mining claims.
It's a great idea, especially if you are quite new to prospecting for gold, to hook up with a friend or relative who has some experience and success under his belt. This can greatly shorten your learning curve and get you into the good stuff much quicker.

Expect to work hard. If you have some weight you would like to lose, I can't think of a more fun way to do it. You will be moving rocks, shoveling gravel, panning for gold hunched over the water, walking miles sometimes checking out potential hot spots.

But when you start to see those flakes and little chunks showing up in your gold pan or sluice box or rocker box, the thrill is worth all the hard work. So you hunker down and work all the harder.
You will need some basic gold mining supplies. A good place to start is to take a look online for gold panning kits. These usually have things like a basic durable plastic or steel pan, a instructional guide to gold hunting, a snuffer bottle for sucking up the pretty stuff in your pan, and a little vial to hold your flakes.

A word about gold pans. The old timers only had steel pans. Modern miners like the tough plaster pans, in green or blue (for ease of seeing the gold) with built in gold catching riffles.
My first pan was a Garrett Gravity Trap Pan, which has a perfect green color, and while I own several good pans, the Garrett is still my favorite.

Most prospectors have their personal favorites. And that goes also for other basic gold prospecting equipment like sluices, rocker boxes, high bankers and so on.
So just get out there and do it. You may not get rich, but you will have a ball. Take your kids - they will get a kick out of it also. Good for all ages.

Chas is a gold prospector with many years of experience. To learn how to find gold, and about basic gold panning supplies you will need, watch the videos and enjoy the adventure.
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Gold Panning Tips

Gold Panning Made Easy
Gold panning is a great outdoor sport. It has some nice things going for it.

- it gets you outside in the fresh air and sunshine
- it gives you great exercise
- it teaches you things about how nature and gravity work
- it gives you the thrill of a treasure hunt
- basic gold panning supplies are inexpensive
- you might actually get some nice gold!

Panning for gold is an activity I was introduced to almost 30 years ago. I live in Oregon, where gold streams are abundant and pretty easy to get to. I went with my cousin, and the first time I saw those golden flakes in the bottom of my pan, I was hooked.

So I went out and got some basic gold panning supplies, like a Gravity Trap gold pan and a snuffer bottle. I already had five gallon buckets and a GI folding shovel.
As time went on, I got more stuff and even built some equipment, like gold screens, a wooden sluice box and four rocker boxes. All part of the fun.

But the key thing I want to emphasize is the importance of really getting your panning skills perfected. If you become a good gold panner, then you will greatly increase the amount of gold you get from the sand and gravel. So practice is essential.

Gold panning relies on two critical things. One is that gold is heavy. The second thing is, you are using gravity to separate out the gold from the sand and gravel debris in your pan.
You dump a scoop or shovel full of what you hope is gold bearing material into your pan, then submerge the pan in the water. Use your hand to break up any clay or clods in the water and agitate the material with your hand to get the heavies to begin to settle to the bottom of the pan.
So your first goal is to saturate the material and get the gold sinking to the bottom of the pan, where it belongs.

Now you rotate the pan while submerged to get the material moving in a circular motion. Stop periodically to pick out and toss the large rocks. Eventually, you will end up with just sand and smaller stuff.

As you rotate the pan, you can tilt it forward occasionally and let debris wash over the lip of the pan, then tilt the pan the other way to settle things back again. Keep repeating this process until you have greatly reduced what is left in your pan. You will finally end up with heavy black sand, and your GOLD.

The popular plastic gold pans have riffles built in, to catch the gold as material passes over the lip back into the water. So be sure you always run your material over the riffles as it exits the pan.
You will probably find some lead fishing weights or buckshot in your pan sometimes. Removing the lead from the stream is a good environmental thing to do.
May the bottom of your pan turn to gold!

Get yourself started off right with more good information and tips on how to find and pan for gold, check out my gold panning website at
To read more about my gold panning adventures in Oregon, check out
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Top 3 Reasons to Buy Gold, Pure Gold Bars, Gold Nuggets, Gold Bullion, Gold Ingots

Gold. The very name of gold excites people just like you.
Did you know though, that everyday individuals, just like you and me can buy pure gold bars, gold nuggets, even gold bullion, gold ingots, 999.9 gold and 1oz gold bars very quickly and easily over the internet and online from highly reputable and totally trustworthy sources?

Would it surprise you even more if I told you that some of the best deals that you can get online for buying pure gold bars, can be found on your old favorite marketplace of all time in our modern age - Ebay? Astonishing isn't it?

The answer though is Yes You Can!

Someone, just like you can buy pure gold bars and find them for sale, right now on eBay. And with eBay's Positive Feedback Trader Rating system, there really is no reason for you to be afraid of buying from upon this marketplace.
Invest in gold for your own future and the future of your family today! Here we provide you with the:

 Top 3 Reasons To Buy Gold ... pure gold bars, gold nuggets, gold bullion and gold ingots for investment purposes or just for the joy of owning this most valuable commodity known to man.
Gold is an independent asset, it moves quite independently from the economic cycle. It's really not too hard to understand this since one must consider the sheer diversity of it's supply and demand base, this is afterall, the penultimate determining factor of price movements in the market place.

Commodities tend to typically fall during economic recessions, since the raw materials used in the production of non essential goods and services declines. However, the demand for gold, in comparison to other commodities is actually quite small. In 2007 just 14% of gold demand came from the industrial sector which was mostly, electronics. This is in great contrast to base metals and even other precious metals where the greater demand comes from industry.

 The upside of this is that gold is not so susceptible to the vagaries of the general economic market conditions. With that being said however, the demand for gold in electronics is likely to fall if the overall economy does in fact fall into a full blown recession. as consumer spending on electronics naturally falls with it.

Recession in the US would without a doubt have some negative implications for the gold jewelry demand in North America, as consumer spending slowed down. All is not lost however, far from it as regards gold investing is concerned since this would at least be offset by the increased share of gold jwelery within the rail sector. Added to this point, gold is actually much less vulnerable than other jewelry materials, such as diamonds or platinum to a US recession as far greater demand for gold comes from outside of North America - 70% of diamond jewelery demand comes from the US, compare this with just 10% for gold.

The final source of demand that comes from investors themselves, people like you and me. Investors buy gold for a huge number of reasons. One of the chief reasons amongst these are gold's inflation and dollar hedging properties, both of which factors have been proven for a very long period of time. How a recession affects investment demand would depend, in part, on how inflation and the dollar react.

The upcoming and brewing recession has so far been rather positive for gold on both fronts. The dollar has continued it's downward slide, while inflation has unusually enough, headed higher. U.S. consumer prices increased at an annual rate of 4% in February this year, up from 2.4% just a year earlier. If trends continue as they are, investment demand for gold as an inflation and dollar hedge is very likely to remain strong. And if the recession does deepen it's affects amid concern over the health of the U.S. backing sector, the demand for gold as a safe haven asset is also likely to remain most robust.

What does this mean for you? Gold is right now, one of the most solid investments that you could consider making, is the message in a nutshell.
If we look at the supply side, there are three main sources, 1/ Mine production. 2/ Official sector sales and 3/ Scrap or recycled gold. Mine production by far is the biggest element from these three. This accounts for a full 70% of total supply in the last year. This upward trend in mine supply of gold production that was by way of example underway in the 1980's was not stopped by the 1990 recession. The U.S. economy suffered an outright contraction, while world GDP growth slowed to 1.6% from 2.9% the previous year. Nor was the downtrend in mining output that began in 2001 reversed by the sharp acceleration in world growth that followed.

Mine production of gold is influenced by very specific factors, for example the level of exploration spending, the success or otherwise in the discovery of new gold deposits and the actual cost of extraction and processing, which actually means that some new deposits are not worth their weight in gold, extracting from source. The lead times in gold mining are often fairly extracted and prolonged affairs, it can take years to re-open a formerly dis-used closed mine, let alone further expenses incurred from finding and mining new gold reserves.

Another factor is the Central Bank themselves and their strategic decisions to buy or to sell gold, decisions which tend not to be reactive to the economic cycle. These decisions by this body are usually made several years in advance and are then carried out over a timespan of years according to their own plans, for strategic purposes. In the country of Switzerland for example, the proposition to sell gold, or the first gold sales program, was first recommended by a group of experts in 1997.

However, the actual sales program did not even begin to commence proceedings until the May of 2000, with the sales then taking place over a period of 5 years, such was the confidence in this commodity to deliver it's long term gains and profits for them. If this is good enough decision making on a strategic basis for them, this tells you that the long term investment for gold bodes well for you also.
Gold scrap supply is influenced by many factors, the most important of these perhaps being price and price volatility, however recessions and periods of economic distress have also had an impact. To demonstrate, one of the most dramatic examples was when Korea was pushed into recession during the 1998 Asian currency crisis, it's scrap supply increased by almost 200 tonnes as the government then bought gold from the local populace in exchange for won denominated bonds. It then went on to sell the gold upon the international market in order to raise enough dollars currency to avoid defaulting on it's external debt.

In summary, a U.S. recession does not have any negative implications for the gold price thanks to the unique drivers of gold demand and supply. The only element of gold demand that could be affected by a recession is investment demand, but that in turn will also depend to a large part on the actual 'type' of recession. So far, the brewing recession has been positive for gold investment purposes as it has been accompanied by a rise in inflation and a falling dollar, which has boosted the demand for gold as a dollar and inflation hedge.

Mark P Andrews is the co-owner of - A great resource online for buying gold, pure gold bars, gold nuggets, gold bullion, gold ingots, 999.9 gold, gold by the gram or gold by the ounce, gold claims, gold mine shares, gold prospecting equipment, gold nuggets, gold prospecting equipment, gold sluices, gold dredgers, gold drywashers, gold pumps, gold metal detectors - in fact, if it's related to gold, we very highly likely have it available on our web site - check out the link right now for further details!
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Essentials in Gold Panning Equipment

There are some gold panning tools that you must have to be a successful prospector, and there are some supplies that will make your gold panning efforts so much easier, more fun, and more profitable. Here's a list of basic supplies that will get you started.
  • Gold Pan
  • The gold pan is the most important tool in your search for gold. This is what the 49'ers used in the 1800's to recover millions of dollars worth of gold in the wild west. There's lots of different models and sizes on the market, but the hands who are holding the pan are more important than the pan itself.
  • Classifier
  • By classifying your dirt before you drop it into your pan you don't have to sort out the rocks by hand. This will save a lot of time and you will be able to recover more gold in a shorter amount of time.
  • Snuffer Bottle
  • Prospectors use this bottle to suck up the gold from their pan and then they either transfer it to a vial or let it stay in the bottle until they get home. A good snuffer bottle is made of sturdy plastic and is constructed so that the gold can get in but not get out.
  • Bucket
  • Depending on the location of your gold-bearing pay-dirt, you might have to move it to a nearby water source for panning. That's where a good, sturdy bucket comes in handy. It's also great for storing and carrying your other gold panning tools when you're not panning.
  • Shovel
  • Don't leave home without a sturdy shovel. Using your gold pan as a shovel is not an option, so invest in a quality shovel. A lot of people prefer mini shovels for their weight and mobility, but if you're going to run a serious operation a bigger shovel will come in handy.
  • Vial
  • This is for storing your gold flakes. They're made up of either glass or plastic and comes in a variety of sizes. You fill it up with water and then just drop the gold in there. A gold filled vial is a perfect gift for children, I promise that will spark an interest in them.
These 6 essentials is really all you need to get a good start. When you get more experience and become more serious with your gold recovery efforts you might want to invest in a sluice box or a dredge, but that's a whole other chapter. The first item you should get your hands on is of course a pan. Here's a guide for you who are looking to buy a gold pan
I'm Daniel Westman and I write about gold panning and prospecting over at
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Equipment For Gold Prospecting

Our spare time allows us to do some of the activities we love the most and which help us relax. Some people go fishing in the weekend and others go sailing. Maybe you like surfing, rock-climbing or bird-watching. And if you still have some of the adventurous child you used to be you might enjoy prospecting for gold.

If you are a beginner you should know that you don´t need a donkey to carry all your heavy gold prospecting equipment, you won´t need a long untrimmed beard, but you will need a large hat to protect you from the sun while you are patiently testing different spots on the river for gold. There is modern gold prospecting equipment which may make your work rather efficient.

For example if you want to find gold more rapidly you can always use a gold metal detector, which will only make you dig after gold and not for bottle caps or pieces of wire. Once you know where to find gold you can try cleaning it by using gold pans and classifiers. This method was also used during ancient gold rushes, but it allows you to enjoy the sounds of the nature around you while the water slowly separates the dust and the rocks from the gold. Sluice boxes are also a very popular equipment for finding gold. They are more efficient than the gold pans and require water to help find gold.

When you finally find gold you will need small vials to deposit it for further refinement. A couple of rock hammers will also help you break the small rocks which are likely to be of any use to you. When you get tired of the traditional techniques you can buy the dredges and sluices powered by electricity.

Prospecting for gold is a lot like fishing. You keep hoping that the giant catfish will catch your bait but you keep pulling out of the water frogs, algae and tiny fish. The chances of getting rich through this activity are the same as winning the national lottery. But once you are aware of these facts, you will start enjoying playing all day in the water, admiring the view and maybe finding something shiny in the river sand, something like a gold bullion.

Learn from professionals how to buy gold bullion in times of recession.
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History Facts of Gold Mining

People have been searching for gold ever since Roman times and their methods have diversified over the centuries. You can find the shiny metal by simply using your hands or by making use of complex mechanisms employing special machinery and chemicals.

The pan used to separate gold from sand and water is already a symbol of the quest for this precious metal. The simple manual technique of gold panning is based on the fact that gold is heavier than sand or gravel. Miners have been famously swirling sediment from rivers in a pan of water in the days of the California Gold Rush, during the nineteenth century. This method was also used as a scam to fool people into believing they found gold, but instead all they went home with was fool's gold.

The artificial channel built to conduct water was a step forward in the search for gold. Endowed with a valve or gate to regulate the flow, and riffles set at the bottom, this sluice box creates dead zones in the current that allows gold to deposit. People have also been building dams to redirect water so they could mine the river bottom. On a larger scale, these channels can be maneuvered with diesel-powered equipment like excavators and bulldozers.

Gold can also be encased in rock, rather than being a loose particle in sediment. Extracting it requires underground mining and more complex techniques than the ones used to excavate softer minerals such as salt or coal. Gold ore is extracted through tunnels or shafts, some of which can reach impressive depths. The deepest are considered to be the Savuka gold mines in South Africa, where miners are currently working at depths exceeding 3,900 m (12,800 ft). Nowadays, hard rock mining produces most of the world´s gold.

With the help of a chemical called cyanide, gold can be extracted even from low-grade ore. This metallurgical method converts gold into a water soluble metallic complex. The cyanide technique is straightforward to apply and it processes 99.9% pure metals.

After being separated from other sediments, gold is refined into standard gold bars, labeled and recorded. Cast or minted, the precious metal travels from the Earth's crust to the jeweler or trader in the shape of ingots or small chip-sized plates called ChipGold.
GoldMadeSimple scam? No, GoldMadeSimple is a reputable gold bullion trading retailor.
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Panning For Wild Gold

Wild gold? Of course. It's wild until you catch it. First, you have to find it. Then you capture it using a gold pan or some other means, like maybe a sluice box or a metal detector.
Gold is very clever. It loves to hide deep under rocks, behind boulders, in bedrock cracks and depressions, even mixed at random sometimes within gravel or sand bars. It will even hide on beaches in plain sight (provided your eyesight is good enough).

So seeking gold is a treasure hunt. I call it an "Easter egg hunt for adults." (Wouldn't it be fun to find nuggets that big!)

As a boy, I used to love to go to the site where an outdoor carnival or fair was held, the day after it closed and everything was moved out. I could see the outlines in the grass where the booths had stood. My brothers and I would kneel down and carefully part the grass and find oodles of coins. What a thrill!

We could have made more money going into something useful like mowing the neighbor's lawn for pay or picking cotton in a farmer's field. But treasure hunting was a whole lot more fun.
The adult quest for gold is a romantic adventure. For most, it not a rational economic pursuit (maybe like fishing?). He or she will probably spend far more on equipment and gas and camping gear than the gold justifies, but that is besides the point. The thrill of discovery is priceless.

With a shovel, bucket, gold pan and snuffer bottle, the gold hunter is set to go. The creek or river beckons. Time to scout. Where is Mr. Gold hiding out today? Patience is called for. And hard work. The gold prospector may have to try many different spots, and pan lots of gravel before he makes his strike.

Most gold is going to be little flakes and specks. Size matters less than quantity. Sure, nuggets are the big prizes, but these are wary and take some luck to find. Every pan of gravel holds a fresh surprise waiting to happen. Even a few flakes of gold can lift the heart and ease a sore back.

The serious gold chaser is constantly learning, and refining his skill. While luck does play a part, developing skill is the surest ticket to success. More often than not, the prospector makes his luck.
Chasing gold makes a man a boy again, if he does it with the right frame of mind. While it may tax his body, it liberates his spirit of adventure, and gives him plenty of tall tales to share with his buddies.

To find out more about chasing gold for fun, check out my gold hunting story at
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Pulse Induction Metal Detectors

There is excitement in the air concerning Pulse Induction (PI) metal detectors. It is said that a revolutionary model is about to be released by several manufacturers. The main characteristic of PI detectors is their ability to ignore both conductive and non-conductive mineralization in the environment at the same time, while maintaining high sensitivity to all metal targets.

 Another positive feature is their detection range is not affected by the medium between the coil and the target. Performance for the most part is not hindered by water, sand, silt, solid coral and generally speaking, the air. Some PI's I have used do not go as deep to locate a target in the air as they do for submerged or buried targets.

I dug a 1957 Roosevelt dime at eighteen inches with my Fisher Impulse. It took more than forty minutes to retrieve that coin in the shallow water at Sunset Beach in Tarpon Springs, FL and that is a primary reason I do not use PI's for coin shooting. Another reason is the extreme sensitivity to all metal targets will mean digging about thirty junk items for every good target in most coin shooting environments. You will literally plow a field before you finish covering the ground. In doing a comparative test last year, I dug almost 300 junk items and retrieved only nine coins and three jewelry keepsakes.

 A third negative aspect of most PI's is the difficulty of pinpointing targets.
Pinpointing with a PI is a learned art. Most conventional detectors either the center of the coil or a pinpointing button or switch makes for an easy retrieval of finds. One PI I own the target centering point is to the left side of center and is very difficult to zero in on small targets. My primary uses for PI's are gold prospecting, Civil War relic hunting and bottle digging ventures. They go very deep! I have dug shotgun casings at nearly two feet, nails at fifteen inches and as mentioned above a dime at eighteen inches. Here is my positive thought for using a PI for relic hunting.

The P in Pulse Induction stands "Power"! I feel empowered when hunting fields and woods for relics and an occasional coin is a great bonus. However, as a coin-shooter the P stands for punishment in most of my environments. I cannot use one in hunting a burned-out property lot, or on a sports bleacher area or on a ball diamond to name a few areas where a conventional detector with a small three to five inch coil will produce far greater rewards and not destroy the back or shoulders.

I have listed some of the PI's out there now and they are worth the time to go online and compare their specs and prices. Every serious treasure finder needs to have one as a part of their detecting arsenal. You might want to wait though and see what is coming soon before spending some serious cash. I cannot wait! Bring on those new PI's.

C Scope 7 UMD (UK) - Underwater Pulse detector
C Scope 4PI (UK) - All purpose land detector
Minelab GPX - 4000 (Australia) - Gold Nugget/Prospecting detector
Minelab GP 3500 - (Australia) - Gold Nugget/Prospecting detector
Minelab SD 2100 - (Australia) - Gold Nugget/Prospecting detector
Minelab SD 2200v2 (Australia) - Gold Nugget/Prospecting detector
Aurora Aqua Pulse (Canada) - Wrist mount underwater detector
White's Surfmaster PI Pro - Underwater/Surf/Beach detector
Tesoro Sand Shark - Underwater Detector
Garrett Infinium LS - Water/Land detector
Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II - Underwater detector
Fisher Impulse - Land/Sea detector

DetectorPro Headhunter Pulse - Underwater detector
Larry Smith is an avid coin collector and metal detector enthusiast. He's been collecting coins for over 45 years. Larry is giving away his ebook, "Coin Collecting With The Home Town Advantage" FREE for a limited time. You can get your copy and start building (or expanding) your own collection right now.

Get the ebook (and TONS of other great FREE content) by visiting his blog now:
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Gold Prospecting: For Fun or For Getting Rich?

A modern day gold panning is underway. With prices at an all time high more and more gold prospecting are heading into the mining fields of Arizona, Nevada, California, New Mexico, Alaska and many other places across the U.S. and other gold bearing areas of the earth. In the mining and prospecting world you can now routinely hear of men and women gold seekers spending thousands of dollars on prospecting equipment they have never used, having no experience finding gold and buying worthless mining claims with hopes of striking it rich. Those who are mining the miners are in the real.

Recreational gold mining and prospecting has become a popular outdoor recreation in a number of countries, including New Zealand (especially in Otago), Australia, South Africa, Wales (at Dolaucothi and in Gwynedd), in Canada and in the United States especially in western states but also elsewhere. Recreational gold mining is almost entirely small-scale placer mining.

Gold trommel is the mining of alluvial deposits (deposits of sand and gravel in modern or ancient stream beds) for minerals. This may be done by open-pit (also called open-cast mining) or by various forms of tunneling into ancient riverbeds. Excavation may be accomplished using water pressure (hydraulic mining), surface excavating equipment or tunneling equipment.

Gold mining and prospecting activities allowed on public lands vary with the agency and the location. Gold pans and shovels are commonly allowed, but sluice boxes and suction dredges may be prohibited in some areas. The Department of Agriculture in the U.S. is now of the view that recreational gold panning and gold prospecting in national forests is permitted provided that no machinery or explosives are used, no waterways are diverted, and no permanent or semi-permanent structures are built.

 There are public mining areas in many states, and prospecting may allow one to stake a gold placer claim or other type of gold mining claim in certain areas. Some public lands have been set aside for recreational gold panning. Some private land owners also give permission for small-scale gold mining.

The beauty of this new rush is we get to experience it and see the successes and failures as they unfold in the fields. Gold Mining and prospecting equipment sales are at an all time high, advertising in gold prospecting and mining magazines is being sold at premium prices and the BLM is processing more gold claims than any time in the last 20 years.Metal detectors costing $4,000.00 plus designed for gold are selling like gold pans in the days of the gold rush of the 1800s. This is a very exciting time to be a gold prospector.

Gold Trommel is the easiest way to prospect for gold so this article on how to pan for gold will come in handy for those venturing out with gold in their eyes and excitement in their hearts for gold.
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Equipment Used For Gold Prospecting

Prospecting for gold can be done in various ways. The simplest way is to use a gold pan like the old time prospectors did in the days of the gold rush, with simple metal pans equipped with small ridges on the inside to help trap gold.

These days pans come in many varieties and sizes, and plastic pans have become very popular due being lightweight, and design seems to be better and gold holding efficiency increased. Pans are inexpensive ranging from $10 for the simplest metal pans and even the best pans on the market can be found for under $50. This is a pretty simple and inexpensive way to begin searching for gold.

Another piece of equipment which will allow a much greater amount of material to be panned effectively is a sluicebox. These were used extensively in the old days of prospecting and were usually homemade, built with a log or wooden frame, and placed in the shallow water of a river bed allowing water to flow through. The material was then shoveled into the sluice allowing it to flow down over a set of ridges, or riffles on the bottom, creating eddies which trapped the heavier rocks, such as gold, which is one of the heaviest minerals on earth.

These days an amazing variety of sluiceboxes are available, and are usually constructed of lightweight metal, with special rubber mats incorporated to provide much better gold retention than the original sluices. They can be found in a variety of sizes from folding models, which can be carried in a backpack, to much larger one piece sluices used in larger commercial operations. Still affordable, basic sluiceboxes can be found from $50 to $150.

Going one step farther, power sluicers and highbankers are now a popular item for those involved in small to medium size operations where enough revenue is being generated to warrant the use of more powerful and of course more expensive methods.

 Incorporating small gas engines usually, they can suck up large volumes of material from a creek or riverbed to supply to the sluicebox, and use this water supply to wash the material through. Huge amounts of material can be run through this way in a day, which is then removed from the sluice and the smaller, more concentrated volumes of material can then be panned traditionally. Prices for these can run from around $500 to several thousand dollars.

Larger, commercial equipment is available is available, however is beyond the scope of this article which outlines some of the more basic and affordable types of equipment available for recreational type prospecting.

One other accessories within the scope of this article, which is quite popular as well, is the metal detector. Normally used on the beach or in public areas for finding lost items, this piece of equipment has become very popular in the prospecting fiels as well. With this equipment the price tag has a real bearing on the ability of the detector to find precious metals.

The lowest model will be of little value, however a ballpark figure ranging between $500-$1000 will buy something that can produce significant results, once technique is practiced. Even big companies are using detectors now to supplement traditional techniques in known mineral reserves. Some amateur prospectors have had great success using them in old mine workings, where resources were overlooked previously.

A wealth of information exists on all of this equipment and can be searched easily online. Retailers and suppliers of prospecting equipment are readily available online as well. A small amount of money is all it takes to get equipped with the basics and have some fun, and enjoy the thrill of the hunt. For those with bigger wallets and aspirations, the skies the limit.

Terrence Knight is a full time pilot, and recreational prospector and outdoor enthusiast who enjoys writing articles relating to these fields. Additional articles and bio can be found on his blog at
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How to Choose the Best Gold Pan For Your Needs

The gold pan is the prospectors most important tool in the search for gold. During the Gold Rush there were not that many choices to make when choosing a pan, it was basically a matter of choosing a size that felt right for you. Today you will find there are lots of different shapes, sizes, colors and materials to choose from. Here are the four main factors that you should take into consideration when buying a pan:
  • Size: The most common sizes on the market today ranges between 10-17 inches in diameter. The size determines both the pans portability and also how much material you can process with the pan at the same time. A 10" pan is great as a backup pan and its smaller size makes it easy to fit in your backpack. It is also a good size for kids or for people with smaller hands. 17" pans are big and they allow you to process a lot of material, but the large size makes it tiring to use for a longer duration. 14" pans are just right in size for most people and that is the size that I would recommend for a beginner prospector.
  • Material: Gold pans today are made of either metal or plastic. Metal pans are what the 49ers used to recover millions worth of gold from the stream beds of California in the 1800s. Even though the metal pans can double as cookware, plastic pans actually has a lot going for them. They are lighter and still durable enough for years of gold panning, and thanks to them not being magnetic you can more easily remove black sand from them using a magnet. The choice of colors also makes it easier to see the gold. Both metal and plastic pans often have riffles that acts as a gold trap, but on the plastic ones they can be molded into any shape which makes them more effective in trapping the gold.
  • Color: You will find that the large majority of the plastic gold pans are either blue, green or black. Those colors in particular makes it easy to see the small flakes of gold in the bottom of your pan. I recommend going with a blue or green pan instead of a black one because a black gold pan can make it hard to see the black sand during panning.
  • You: The most important factor to consider is you, the user. Why are you buying a gold pan? If it is for purely historic reasons, go ahead and buy a metal pan. The truth is many prospectors prefer metal pans even today. If you are choosing a gold pan for your kid that happens to love the color black, then buy a black 10 inch pan even though a blue one might make it easier to spot the gold.
There you have it, the four most important factors in choosing a gold pan. The shape of the pan is not included as a factor because there is no good enough reason to buy a gold pan that is anything other than round. Now you can start looking for a gold pan to buy, which will set you back around $10-15.
You need more than a pan to be effective though, take a look at this list of other essential gold panning equipment that will make your gold recovery efforts so much easier. My name is Daniel Westman and I write about prospecting over at Happy gold hunting!
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Can You Still Make Money Panning for Gold?

Gold's current high value and the ailing global job market has led to a surge in regular folks exploring the sometimes lucrative career of gold mining. It is believed that billion of dollars worth of gold are still hidden in the United States! Who wouldn't love a piece of that?

In fact, large amounts of gold have recently been found at the gold mines in North Carolina, Colorado and California. If you're interested in giving it a try, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, one needs to select a suitable area that is both potential for gold's existence and is legal for gold panning. National parks are off limits as they are usually restricted for public digging. However, there are many other public lands where minerals can be sought. Researching the records of mining and public land will give clues about where to fix the sweet spot for digging gold.

Stay away from hobby gold-mining sites that you see advertised in brochures and road side billboards. These locations are usually setup for tourists and thus offer little hope for serious gold miners.

After selecting the spot, one can stake a mineral claim to prevent others from intruding into the spot. For gold panning, you don't need to buy a lot of tools. Just a gold pan, a shovel, buckets, gloves, and camping supplies would be enough at the starting. A pair of tweezers and a magnifying glass will help to detect the tiniest pieces of gold. One can buy a metal detector and dredges too.

A fair forewarning - gold mining is a very hard work! One has to be willing to put in long hours and be patient enough to taste the fruit of success in gold panning. The best way would be to take it as a means of passing weekends and leisure periods than a fulltime job.

It can also be a good way to spend time with family and friends while having fun. It is a very tough job for the newcomers because knowledge and experience are the two important keys to get success in gold panning. It is also true that very few people can make their livelihood from gold mining.
While it is true that finding large amount of gold is quite difficult, the possibility of finding a little "color" in a gold pan is hard to resist.

For more tips on how to make money check out It's a daily blog with weird and wacky ideas on how to make extra money, like how to make money cricket farming and how to make money shopping. It can even answer the question as to whether or not people can make money panning for gold.
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8 Best Places to Pan For Gold

Caribbean Cruises, long sandy beaches, and Disneyland are the places that most often come to mind when one speaks of vacation time. Places to pan for gold would probably not make anyone's top ten list! It's certainly true that the aforementioned places are really terrific for having family fun and relaxation. But what you may not know is that one of the most rewarding hobbies in the world is searching for tiny specs of gold.

The country is so in possession of abounding mineral resources and gold is one of them. Panning for gold can be a good recreation for the family. If the youngsters are fascinated with the great California Gold Rush of the great California Gold Rush of 1849, it may not be a bad idea if they can also have this type rush.

During the year 1849, the streams and streams of California were exploited by the early Yankees in the expectation of finding pure gold. Successive history can have a unpleasant face, but who knows? To this date, there might be some loose gold just waiting to be found among the sands.

Just make sure that these places to pan for gold are environmentally safe and free from human risks. The dust will be nothing when one of your folks members is ready to extract gold from the dirt.
Here are, what I believe to be, the 8 best places to pan for gold:
  1. California being the third in gold production
  2. Alaska, particularly in Chitna and Slana River
  3. In the Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas
  4. Blairsville City of Georgia
  5. Colorado Mountains
  6. Benton to Yakama in Washington
  7. In the glaciers of Wisconsin
  8. Turquoise District in Arizona
And before packing up to these places to pan for gold, make sure that you have got enough supply of food, water, necessities, as well as maps to make this gold rush adventure a remarkable one. You may also need the right gold panning tools.

Now that you know about the best places to pan for gold, you need to be aware of certain laws concerning gold panning. Learn more about gold panning regulations at: ==>
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Prospecting for Gold in Pre-Foreclosures

The days of the "foreclosure fairy" dropping deals down from the courthouse steps may be over. But, according to savvy real estate investors, there are still thousands of deals out there. The trick is knowing where and how to find them - before the competition beats you to it.

It is during the period called PRE-foreclosure that real estate investors can strike gold. Pre-foreclosure refers to the time during the foreclosure process when a lender files notice of default in official public records, and the date the property is scheduled to be sold at a public foreclosures auction or trustee's sale.

Many homeowners who are facing foreclosure have been struggling
financially for as long as a year before they throw in the towel. And, while some people feel uncomfortable - as if they are taking advantage of someone else's misfortune, the reality is quite the opposite. Legal experts say that, fraudsters have moved into the foreclosure business and are positioning themselves as "rescuers," They are stealing large numbers of homes and fleecing owners out of money across the country. Honest investors who know how to buy a property in foreclosure can literally help a homeowner save his credit and his dignity. Many homeowners end up being grateful for getting helped.

Apparently relationship building is key to the process. Some distressed home-owners are more motivated to sell than others. Some just need direction to finding proper solutions to their foreclosure process. There's no way to turn an ugly situation into something beautiful. The goal is to create a scenario where everybody comes out ahead.

To accomplish a successful purchase, experts have outlined the following seven steps:
o Locate loans in default
o Evaluate and narrow selections to pursue
o Inspect the property
o Evaluate property owner's needs
o Determine property market value, fix-up costs and potential sales price
o Arrange default work by negotiating with owner and lender
o Close on property, repair and resell quickly

Not all foreclosures are previously owned homes. In some areas, a slow economy has left builders of new mid and upscale homes at the end of their construction loan periods without finding buyers. In such cases, the banks involved take possession of the homes and attempt to sell them using real estate agents to handle the deals. These are called "hidden foreclosures."

The term "hidden" is used because no one associated with the sale of these properties will refer to them as foreclosed homes. They are not as easy to identify and rarely appear on national lists. Another term used is "before foreclosure." As you'd expect, this is earlier in the process, where a homeowner is about to go into default. Rather than losing all equity, a property owner accepts a position of the difference between the equity and the home's market value.

The number of homes facing pre-foreclosure has reached an all time high. While no one claims to have a crystal ball, if you're thinking of dabbling in the real estate market, it appears that now is prime time to start the learning process.

So what appears to be the cause of all this? Falling behind on mortgage payments can be precipitated by job layoff, divorce or even illness. But a new phenomenon is at work -- homeowners who pull out the equity in their home to pay for cars, college, renovations or even credit card debt.

Also because of high housing prices, many first-time buyers have been enticed by adjustable rate and interest-only mortgages. They hold down costs in the early years of a loan, but can create problems when payments rise later. The sad fact is that some people who would have been laughed out of the bank years ago because they had poor credit or no down payment are eagerly sought after today.

Mortgage rates can only rise from where they are now so, when you add 2+2 together, everything suggests that the default rate will only go higher. Since the key to making money in real estate is finding motivated sellers, investors who are organized, informed and persistent are bound to make a bundle.

The deals are out there. The ones who will make the most money and who will get rich are the people who get the inside information and the proper training.

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About Thomas Kish.

Thomas Kish is an author, speaker, business consultant and an active real estate investor. He is a national expert in the area of business credit and has shared the stage with best selling authors Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen, and Robert Kiyosaki. Tom has bought and sold 8 million dollars worth of real estate using business lines of credit instead of using his own money. And he has helped thousands of people change their lives with business lines of credit.
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How To Make MLM Prospecting Fun and Effortless

Often times, prospecting may seem like a daunting task. Many network marketers shy away from prospecting because they fear rejection. Contrary to widely held belief, prospecting can be actually a fun and effortless activity if one understands and puts in to practice couple of key principles.

The key to being a master prospector is letting go of all your fears. Fear is probably the number one reason why your MLM business is not progressing as you want it to. If you want to become wildly successful in your prospecting, you simply need to let go of fear all together. You've got to let go of "What will my friends think?" and "What will people think about me?" By rationalizing your fears, you are simply limiting yourself to the opportunities that may come along the way. Just don't let fear hold you back any longer. By being intrepid and asking people to look at your opportunity, you will be well on your path to success.

If you think about it, prospecting is a beautiful term to describe what we do as network marketers. We can certainly compare ourselves like miners panning for gold. There are abundance of prospects and opportunities out there. You can think of them as an inexhaustible stream that cannot be depleted. If you have this kind of 'abundance' mentality, you will abandon the sense of desperation to chase after a prospect and ask him/her to join your opportunity. You really want to filter out the gunk and keep nuggets of gold, the kind of people that will build your opportunity without flaking out or giving excuses.

Prospecting certainly does take practice and it takes quite of bit of time to perfect. One way to become a effortless prospector is to talk about your opportunity when people ask you "What do you do?" When you encounter people they naturally want to know what you do for a living. This is probably your best shot in telling them about your opportunity.

This strategy of course, requires bit of tact and discreetness. Recently, I was at a house warming party for neighbors of mine and they happen to have a Bichon Frise dog. So I naturally struck up a conversation and told the host, "You know Rob, my friend who is a top income earner in his company has as Bichon too." This naturally got him curious and we both had a productive conversation where he agreed to take a look at my presentation at an appointed time.

You can certainly become an excellent prospector by habituating yourself to prospect wherever you go. A couple days ago, I was waiting in line in a grocery store and the guy in front of me wore an auto mechanics shirt. I supposed that he worked for the dealership, so I struck a conversation.

Somehow, one way or the other, the conversation lead to vehicle incentive awards program in my company and he got curious as to how folks in my company are awarded vehicles for their efforts. So I asked for his business card and at that moment I had a lead!

The most important thing to remember is to get rid of fear altogether and put on prospector's thinking cap. Always strike a conversation wherever you go and try to get a lead if you can. By doing so, you will be able to build your network marketing empire one step at a time.

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Sources of the Gold - Quartz Veins

The intelligent men who worked the gulches and rivers in the early days, soon sought the sources of the gold they found in the gravels. Sometimes gold was found with quartz adhering to it, or occasionally a quartz pebble riveted through and through with gold.

 The veins of quartz seaming the hills in the vicinity of the richest placers, also served to point to that rock as the original source of the gold. At Carson Hill, in what was then Mariposa county, quartz had been found immensely rich; but the expense of blasting the rock out and crushing it was such, that no serious attempts were made, until 1851.

 The whole California gold country abounded with quartz; in some places there were mountains of it, which had filled the ravines with broken quartz, but not all the quartz had gold in it - most did not. The miners found that the search for auriferous quartz was a tedious affair until some more experienced men were put upon the scent.

The first discovery of gold in quartz seems to have been made by a man by the name of Davidson, a Baptist preacher, in February, 1851, on the south side of Amador creek near the spring then used by the miners. Boulders of considerable size were lying on the top of the ground, supposed to have been detached from the vein. Gold was found in some of these, and subsequently, in the vein from which these came. Associated with Davidson were Glover, Herbert, and P. Y. Cool, all ministers; hence the claim was known as the "ministers' claim." Samuel Hill, afterward a resident of Buckeye, was taken in as a capitalist, and the company organized as the Spring Hill Company.

About the same time, Thomas Eickey, and his son James, afterward residents of lone, located the vein on the north side of the creek, since known as the Original Amador. Gold could also be seen in this rock.

 None of these men had ever seen or done any quartz mining; in fact, there was none in the world to compare with what may be seen now at any mining town. Hill, of the Spring Hill Company, went to Sacramento and bought a steam engine, aged and ancient in style, which proved a mine of trouble to them, as it took an enormous quantity of wood to make steam. The main shaft was wood with bearings of round bar iron, two inches in diameter, which were driven in with a hammer, the end of the log being banded with iron.

 The cams were large spikes of bar iron driven into the shaft and afterward bent. The stamps had wooden stems, and spikes driven into the stems for tappets or projections, against which the cams should play to raise the stamps. The gold was saved, or rather lost, by means of a rocker about eight feet long, worked by the same power as the stamps.

The machinery proving a failure, the gold mill was soon rebuilt with improvements suggested by experience. The mill on the north side was started about the same time, September 5, 1851, with somewhat better machinery. The shaft was of wood, but had axe-bar iron four inches wide and half an inch thick for cams, the bars being bent after they were put in the shaft. The stamps also had wooden stems with slots in the middle to receive the cams. Dan Fiddler was the master mechanic, and J. T. Berke the superintendent of this mine. It made dividends as well as wages for its owners, who were all workers.

Quicksilver was tried, but from some cause failed to give satisfactory results. It was also discovered that much of the gold was lost, being too fine to settle into the ordinary riffles. While experiments were being made to remedy the matter, a German who had had experience in mining in Peru, proposed to crush and amalgamate with arastras. With his assistance the company took out about seventy-five ounces a week, the German receiving one-thirteenth part for his share. This was some of the first successful gold-quartz mining in California.

For more tales of the life, hopes and the humor of California's Gold Rush, see California Gold Rush
Basic information on Prospecting for gold, including how to get started, can be found at: Gold Prospecting

Chris Ralph writes on small scale mining and prospecting for the ICMJ Mining Journal. He has a degree in Mining Engineering from the Mackay School of Mines in Reno, and has worked for precious metal mining companies conducting both surface and underground operations. After working in the mining industry, he has continued his interest in mining as an individual prospector. His information page on prospecting for gold can be viewed at the website noted above.
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Spectacular Gold Nugget Found In Mariposa County - California

A California man recently dug a spectacular gold nugget weighing 5.17 ounces in the mother lode region of Mariposa County, California. The gentleman who found it made his discovery while using a metal detector to look for gold nuggets in an area previously worked by the 49ers. The finder valued his amazing chunk of gold at approximately $10,000 because of its beautiful specimen quality.

The nugget was resting beneath about one foot of soil, and was recovered in late April of 2007.

Several friends have been working this area with excellent results, and a good number of valuable finds have been made. Only a few weeks before this most recent stunning find, another nugget, over three ounces in weight, was recovered only about 50 feet away from the spot the five-ounce nugget was found. The location is on private property, and is not open to the public. Locations containing concentrations of large nuggets like this one are known to prospectors as "nugget patches", and finding them is the goal of prospectors everywhere.

Modern metal detectors are proving to be quite a boon in recovering large gold nuggets, as the old time prospectors had no tool in their arsenal that was anything close to it. Although there is work and special skills required to find this type of big gold, experienced prospectors in the western US and Australia are having some considerable success finding rich nugget patches missed by the old time miners of the 1800s.

The recent increases in the price of gold, now standing at nearly $700 per ounce, has spurred the interest of many in pursuing the recreational art of prospecting for gold, and many are still heading to the hills to see what they can find.

Mariposa County is a historic location in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range at the southern end of California's Mother Lode region. The town of Mariposa is a popular tourist attraction, touted as the "gateway to Yosemite Valley". There are a number of other popular family oriented tourist attractions in the area as well, including California's State Mining and Mineral Museum.

 The collection contains mining artifacts, rare specimens of crystalline gold in its many forms, as well as beautiful gem and mineral specimens from California and around the world. This includes the Fricot nugget, a 200-ounce crystalline gold specimen from California, thought to be one of the most beautiful pieces of natural gold in the world. The town also allows gold panning in Mariposa Creek, which runs through the town.

A photo of the five ounce nugget can be viewed at:

Basic information on Prospecting for gold, including how to get started, can be found at:

Chris Ralph writes on small scale mining and prospecting for the ICMJ Mining Journal. He has a degree in Mining Engineering from the Mackay School of Mines in Reno, and has worked for precious metal mining companies conducting both surface and underground operations. After working in the mining industry, he has continued his interest in mining as an individual prospector. He can be reached at P.O. Box 3104 Reno, Nevada 89505. His information page on prospecting for gold can be viewed at:
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