Network Marketing - Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Most network marketing leaders will tell you to talk to EVERYBODY. Present your offer to anyone who is breathing and has a pulse. I know because when I first started in a few multi-level marketing programs that is exactly what they would advise me. And I in term would advise or train others joining our network marketing team to do.
I call this the "Alice In Wonderland Syndrome". Remember when Alice was totally lost and asked the cat for directions:
Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to
Alice: I don't much care where.
The Cat: Then it doesn't much matter which way you go.
Many of our network marketing leaders are advising you to just go anywhere and talk to anyone. Any wonder why there is such a tremendous burn-out rate of people who enter and then exit the network marketing field? By going anywhere and talking to anyone, you face rejection after rejection. Soon you will stop talking to anyone including the right ones.
Now there are some neat phrases that will be used to encourage you to talk to everyone: "If you are limiting the number of people you talk to, you are limiting the growth of your group.", "There is gold in cold" (which means there is a lot of money to be made by talking to total strangers about your mlm business such as when you get gas, talk to the person getting gas at the next pump about how you have a business opportunity you would like to share with him/her).
Any surprise that network marketing has had such a horrendous reputation? One leader that I heard speak one time compared one of the eager-beaver methods used to prospect as instead of tossing out bits of bread to try to attract the bird (new prospect), they throw an entire loaf of frozen bread at the bird and chase it away. 
As a professional onlime marketer, you need a prospecting tool or lead generation system. You are not talking to everyone to become a member of your team. Remember, the 1.5 billion (that's right, with a "b") people worldwide who are connected to the internet is your market. Since your mlm's compensation plan is probably substantial, you do not need a gazillion people to be financially successful in your particular network marketing business.     
You must let this internet-based, autopilot system do the sorting of prospects for you 24/7.  Letting the system weed out the few players from the large number of tire kickers will save you time (and money).  And, the system is so duplicatable, every team member in your group can very easily set it up and rapidly grow their (your) group as well.
So when members of your team turn to you for advice as to what they can do to quickly (and profitably) build their group, you can wear your best chesire cat grin and say "I know the exact system to give you explosive growth."
Andy "Acci" Acciaioli
3% Of Network Marketers Are The Money-Makers, Making Over $10/Week. The Other 97% Make $10/Week Or Less (OR NOTHING). The 3 Percenters Certainly Don't Waste Their Time (Or Money) Begging The Wrong Prospects To Get In Their Group. Neither Should You. I Can Guide You To A Better Way To Obtain Prospects For YOUR Business. []

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