MLM Sponsoring Tip: The Purpose of Prospecting Is to Disqualify

This MLM success tip article analyzes the old way and new way of prospecting and the difference between prospecting and selling.
The old way of Prospecting
The old way of prospecting teaches to believe that all buyers are liars and not to believe the prospect until he says no 7 or more time. This old method teaches that there is a war between buyer and seller and that the job of the salesperson is to win. That when the prospect say no, that means he or she requires more information and you must handle the objection. If the salesperson does not make the sale it his or her fault. This old way believes the problem is scarcity of prospects.
This way of selling is hard on the salesperson that is why most people hate prospecting and the sales person suffers endless rejection
The New Way teaches the purpose of Prospecting is to Disqualify.
The new way of prospecting assumes there are enough prospects who are interested and qualified. The new way teaches that if buyers says they are not interested, you do not try to handle the objection but instead you believe them and move on.This new method sees prospecting the way the old gold prospector did. After the old gold prospector shovel the sand in his gold pan his main purpose is to disregard that which is not gold like the dirt, grit and mud.The more non gold he disregards the more gold he finds.
That is what the new way of Prospecting teaches, the more non buyers you disregard the more buyers you find. Instead of attempting to keep everyone you communicate with, you try to get rid of them. This MLM sponsoring tip is suggesting that you have an abundant mentality instead of scarcity mentality which what the old method teaches.
The first time I heard that prospecting to disqualify non buyer, I just couldn't understand that and it didn't make any sense, but after pondering about it for a while, I realized that indeed it is a very good advice. Prospecting is defined as the act of searching for something of value.
Prospecting is the starting point of the sales cycle.
There is a difference between prospecting and selling. When prospecting you are sorting and are trying to find those who are qualified for your MLM business opportunity and your goal is to disqualify those who are not ready, which will be the majority. Selling begins after prospecting, when you find people who are qualified. In the selling phase you explain to them what you are offering and help them make an informed decision. Most distributors do not know the difference between prospecting and selling and try to do the selling in the prospecting phase, which causes a lot of rejection.
I hope this MLM success tip helps you enjoy prospecting and succeed in your MLM business.
Before you engage in your prospecting activity you will need qualified people to contact, people who are interested in what you have to offer which will make reaching your goals effortless and enjoyable. You need to invest time in learning internet marketing to find people who are looking for your solutions. To discover how to increase your leads and income by over 300% with proven social media secret, claim your 3-day free video training now by clicking on Mlm Sponsoring Tip

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