Benefits of Investing in Gold ETFs

The shine of the yellow metal seems to be getting brighter with every passing year. On one hand gold has successfully preserved its value and on the other, it has given investors a consistent appreciation over time. Truly, today all that glitters is gold.
With economies around the world starting to show cracks and currencies turning highly volatile, gold finds place in the portfolio of every savvy investor. There are several options for individuals to buy gold - bullion, coins, jewelry, stock market futures and options, ETFs, and ownership certificates are some of the popular choices across the globe.
Today, let's focus on what many experts claim to be the best option for individual investors, Gold ETFs.
What are ETFs
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are units issued by fund houses and that are traded on stock exchanges. Gold ETFs are issued by fund houses that invest in gold and may continually buy the precious metal to add to their reserves.
At the time of listing on a stock exchange, the fund house divides the value of its gold holding into smaller units and allots them to investors based on contribution. Once listed, ETF units are traded electronically in the stock market just like the stock of any listed company.
Why ETFs
One major advantage of ETFs is safety. If you buy gold in its physical form (bullion, coins, jewelry) you will have to take special care to ensure that it does not get stolen or misplaced. ETFs are electronic units that can be bought, sold and tracked online through your broker. You can quickly check them by logging in to your account. Also, they cannot be stolen or transferred without your prior approval.
Another significant advantage is that you can invest with smaller amounts of money. The minimum denomination of physical gold that can be bought differs from country to country, but in most stock exchanges an ETF is available in multiples of single units, each equal to one gram.
Convenience is yet another advantage of the ETF mode of investing in gold. Finding legitimate buyers, defining terms and settling transactions are challenging tasks; with ETFs you can check the price yourself (or with your broker) and make the sale securely. The transaction is completed instantly and the proceeds of the sale are electronically deposited into your account. This makes the process transparent, convenient and free from potentially falling through.
Physical gold is charming as it can be worn and flaunted. While you cannot wear ETFs round your neck, you can certainly sell them to buy physical gold. Also, gold jewelry comes with an additional cost of making the ornament which is not compensated at the time of reselling the ornament. ETFs closely follow the price of raw gold with small charges levied by the management of the fund house.
How to invest
Both institutions and individuals can invest in ETFs. As this financial instrument is exchange traded, you will need to open a brokerage account with a local broking firm before you can deal in it. A brokerage account is the same account that you would need if you want to invest in stocks of listed companies.
ETFs are cash settled and no physical exchange of goods takes place during the trade. The net cash balance from your trade will be adjusted in your brokerage account. There is no minimum holding period for ETFs so you can buy and sell them as frequently as you choose to. For those familiar with stock trading, ETFs can also be short sold if price corrections are expected.
When to invest
Profitable investments are a result of analysis, timing and perspective. Experts advise that individuals should make a habit of investing regularly. As long as you hold a brokerage account and have money, you can invest in gold ETFs (or other products).

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Why A Good Investor Should Not Hold On To Cash

There is an old saying that "Cash is King." However, taking into consideration of inflation, which is defined as the rise in price of goods and services, cash can be view as a depreciating asset. Would you agree? No?
Let us take an example. A loaf of bread in Malaysia (today Jan 2012) would cost about $2.40. However, would the same $2.40 purchase the same loaf of bread 2 years from now? How about 5 year from now? The answer is a likely no. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out. So what has happened? Inflation! The rise in price for goods and services has depleted the buying power of cash. In other words, cash has depreciated. Now, would you agree?
In many of my investment workshops that I have conducted, most participants think that cash is a financial asset. Put things into perspective, with the above example (which by the way is very real), cash IS depreciating every day. While most people do not realize, holding on to cash is financial diarrhea. Like it or not, you are losing buying power with time. The longer you hold on to cash, the poorer you become. On surface, the $2.40 still remains as $2.40. But more importantly than just mathematical figures, is the buying power of the $2.40 in your hands. If it allows you to buy less and less in future, you have essentially become poorer.
The more and the longer you hold on to cash, the more you might struggle in future. Sadly, most people will continue to hold on to cash because it provides "financial security" which is false security. It sounds pretty bleak but unfortunately, it is true. Cash has become a depreciating asset because we live in an inflationary economy.
Cash plays a very important part of our lives. So how can we not hold on to this important "asset?" The trick is to structure your finances and investments for you to stay financially liquid but at the same time stay invested. Getting your cash to work hard for you is the key. Looking for investments that will outpace inflation is a good way to start. More importantly, look for investments that will also generate passive income.
Real estate investing and stock investing are 2 asset categories that will help. Investing in these asset classes is really not difficult with the right financial knowledge. Investments can be risky but at the same unfortunately, given the economy that we live in, there is really no other choice but to be invested all the time.
Anyone who is serious to be financially comfortable cannot be invested in cash. If you think that investing is risky then before you invest, start by learning how to invest the right way. Every great journey must come with the right education and the right planning.
William Tan, based in Malaysia, is a successful investor. William believes that the stock market and Real Estate are wonderful investment vehicles that can generate passive income for most people to achieve financial freedom. William believes Investing is no longer a choice but a MUST in order to maintain wealth.

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The New Junior ISA Vs The Old Child Trust Fund - The Differences

Having discussed the features that the old Child Trust Fund (CTF) and the new Junior ISA had in common in the first part of this article (The New Junior ISA vs The Old Child Trust Fund - Overlap) the following highlights some of the ways in which they differ an why the Junior ISA has been brought in place of the CTF.
The most obvious discrepancy between the two plans is that the CTF is now closed to newborns, in fact any child born after 2 Jan 2011. As discussed in the first part of this article, children born between 1 September 2002 and 2 January 2011 will have been issued with a voucher which will have either been used by parents to open a CTF account or will have expired, in which case the HMRC will have automatically opened an account on the child's behalf.
The Junior ISA, however, can be opened for any child born either side of the CTF's active dates above. Thus, children born before the CTF was launched in 2002 can still have a Junior ISA opened for them whilst newborns since January 2011 are alsoa eligible.
State Contributions
The most popular feature of the old CTFs is that, for most children, the government would have issued a voucher worth £250 to get the plan going. This initial kick start varied if the child was in a low income family, in which case they could receive up to £500, or if the child received its first child benefit payment after 3 August 2010 - when they were then only entitled to a donation of £ as the government began to scale back its contribution. What's more, the CTF also promised a second state contribution of £250 when the child turned seven, if that event occurred before 1 August 2010.
Unfortunately, the new Junior ISA comes with no such welcome, or the extra boost at the age of seven, which explains why parents have been more lukewarm about their arrival in the place of the more generous CTFs.
Investment Choices
The CTF, broadly speaking, came in three different guises which offered certain investment choices based upon the risk that the parent (registered contact) wanted to take on in search of higher returns on the investment. Essentially, as with most investment, the higher the potential returns, the high the risk encountered.
The default account, that treads the middle ground, is a Stakeholder Account, which was what children ended up with if the voucher expired before the parent managed to open an account for them. These accounts invest the funds into shares and bonds but are required by government rules to spread the risk across multiple companies rather than put proverbial eggs into single baskets. What's more the providers of such accounts are required to switch the funds to low risk investments once the child turns 13 to safeguard the plan as the child approaches 18.
The most secure CTF option is a Savings Account which simply invests the funds as cash and therefore protects the capital of the investment whilst only providing limited returns in the form of the interest accrued on that capital. The riskiest option with the highest potential returns, is the Share Account which, akin to the Stakeholder Accounts, invest the money into stocks and shares but unlike such accounts, don't have the government required safeguards. Therefore there is a higher level of risk involved although the length of the terms involved (18 years) should increase the chances of any losses being counterbalanced by gains in the long run.
Junior ISAs on the other hand, can consist of a cash element and/or a stocks and shares element, just as their adult counterparts do. As little or as much of the subscriptions can be put into each as the parent/child wishes. The variety between individual plans will result from the distinct offerings of each ISA provider, such as varying discounts in investment charges and access to different ranges of investments. In principle, the parent/child can manage what their plan invests into although some providers may link their plans to specific funds, like investment trusts, for which the fund manager will decide how the underlying investments are to be managed.
Options at Maturity
The Junior ISA further differs from the CTF in terms of what happens to it when it reaches maturity and the options that are available to parent and child when they turn 16. At age 18, both the Junior ISA and the CTF become available to the 'child' to do with as they see fit but if no other action is taken the JISA will automatically turn into an adult ISA whereas the CTF won't.
At age 16 the Junior ISA gives children the option of taking over the management of the plan themselves however, the CTF requires that the child take over the management. Neither plan of course allows the child (or parent) to access the funds until the child is 18.
Why The Switch from Child Trust Funds to Junior ISAs
As implied previously, the main reason for the scrapping of new CTFs was their cost to the government. At a time when the national budget had been squeezed from every angle the coalition government took the decision to save themselves an anticipated £320m-plus a year that CTFs would have continued to cost. In terms of a state contribution to child savings, the government do still however forgo the taxes that would otherwise be raised on the income generated by the investments in the new Junior ISAs.
In summary, both the CTF and the Junior ISA each have their own advantages and disadvantages whilst broadly sharing the same purpose and goals. Ultimately, parents are unable to choose between them and are restricted to one or the other depending on when their child was born, but the new Junior ISA, for what it lacks in state contributions, does offer parents and children increased flexibility and savings potential.
© Stuart Mitchell 2012
I'm a small business owner. If you want to find out more about what savings options are available to you and your child then visit Child ISA.

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Realtors - Are You Prospecting When You Should Be Farming?

Recently some words jumped out at me from a web page. They were "Farming vs. Hunting."
For some reason they stayed in my mind and I kept coming back to those words and pondering them all day. Words and their meanings fascinate me.
Later it hit me: For months now I've been using the word "prospecting" to describe the many marketing methods real estate agents use to gather in new customers and clients. The letter sets I've written for agents to use to connect with new buyers and sellers are even on a page that's labeled "prospecting."
But I was wrong.
In truth, what I've been advising real estate professionals to do is not prospecting; it's farming. Prospecting is more like the "hunting" reference that got me started on this train of thought.
You're not sifting through the sand hoping to find a golden nugget. You're planting seeds and nurturing those seeds through the growing season and into harvest. Or at least you should be.
Your first letter is the seed, and your subsequent letters are the sun, rain, and fertilizer that helps those seeds grow. When you do it all correctly, you reap the harvest of a new client or another closed transaction with a past client.
By the time your future customers have read your 3rd or 4th letter, the seeds that are good will have sprouted, and the rest of your letters will serve to nurture them. The remaining letters will add more sun, rain, and fertilizer until they blossom and reward you with a harvest.
Farming isn't limited to planting seeds via letters and e-mails you send to new prospects.
You plant another seed every time you meet a new person and give your elevator speech. You plant another every time you speak with someone on the phone and offer your advice or assistance. You plant a seed when you send a Twitter message or put a nugget of real estate advice on your Facebook page.
Your monthly or quarterly newsletters; your phone calls to past clients; your participation in community meetings; and even casual chats with those in your sphere of influence all provide nurturing for seeds you've already planted.
You may be prospecting at the same time - sifting the sand for those folks who might need your services in the future. But by continually offering your advice and assistance once you've found them, you're farming - nurturing your relationship and increasing the chance that when they need the kind of help that customers pay for, they'll call on you.
I'm sure there's not a real estate agent on this planet who doesn't know what I mean when I talk about prospecting. The word has been interchangeable with farming for as long as I can remember.
But there really is a difference between prospecting and farming, and we as marketers need to use both activities.
Marte Cliff is a freelance copywriter specializing in writing for real estate and related fields. She offers custom copy for websites, email campaigns, press releases, postcards, direct mail letters, newsletters, and more.
Marte also offers pre-written real estate letters for agents who know they need to prospect but just don't have the time or desire to write their own letters. See how she can help build your business by visiting
For those who prefer the "do it yourself" method, Marte has a free report on how to organize and and write a "drip campaign" that will build trust and reel in new clients. Just visit her at to request your copy.

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Gold Panning in Lapland

Quite a lot of gold and nuggets have been found in Lapland over the years in different parts of Lapland. Gold was first discovered in Lapland in 1868 in the Ivalojoki river and the first gold rush was said to begin about 1870. The biggest known gold nugget ever found in Lapland was over 390 grams and well after the gold rush had finished the avid Gold diggers continued in the search for gold in Lapland. Tankavaara Gold village in Finnish Lapland is known as one of Europe's Gold villages; here you will find a museum where you can learn all about the history of gold in Lapland and around the rest of the world. Many people even today make the trek up towards Northern Lapland in search of finding gold. Summers are spent panning for gold and the most popular are on the banks of the Ivalojoki Valley. Over the years many pieces of beautiful gold have been found, some of the pieces have been found by amateurs and Lapland Gold is considered some of the purest in the world. Experts still advise that they believe there is still gold to be found in the Klondyke area.
The first Gold panning competition was held in 1974 in Tankavaara, to start with the event was not overly popular with only a few dozen participants but over the years the event began to attract more and more travellers and visitors to the area. The first Gold panning championships was held in 1977 and became a regular occurrence. In the present day the gold panning championships are held every year and are a very large and popular event. At the beginning of the summer people begin to arrive, pitching their tents and getting ready for the championships. Children, adults, old and young will become involved in the championships and it really is great fun. Not only can you take part in the competition but you can learn all about the local traditions and cultures and the history of local gold mining.
Many other activities can also be enjoyed whilst panning for gold and you can combine your trip with sampling some of the great food on offer in the local restaurants. Lapland is known for many things and not many people are aware that Gold is one of them. It is just another thing that this beautiful country offers.
Just Lapland offer cabin rental as well as advice and information on holidays to Lapland.

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Stay Current: Just Because They Move Away Doesn't Mean You Lost Them

Look - the list is a big deal. When you get a customer's name and address, that is gold. That is all you need to get them on it. Then you can market to them over and over and over..... Until they move. How awful is that? Once they change their address, is that it? Then you need to start the whole acquisition cycle all over again.
Just stay focused for a minute there, peanut. A change of address with the USPS is not an endgame for your customer. What is most important to remember is that even though a former customer may have moved away, that does not mean that you can not or SHOULD NOT continue to advertise to them. Please remember this is not 1910. There are ways to hang on to customers even when their place of residence changes.
For starters, very six to twelve months, you should ask your mailing service to perform an NCOA on your mailing list. NCOA stands for National Change of Address. The US Postal System keeps a 'master file' of every residents address. When you move, do you remember going to the post office and filling out the 'change of address' card (also known as the Address Change form)? Well that is the way the post office keeps tabs on you and makes sure you get every stitch of mail you have coming to you. They are simply updating your record with your new address.
Now it will depend on who you are using for mailing but you should be sure to ask them about NCOA service. Some companies charge you additional for it. Others just include it in their processing costs. Either way, you should always ask, just to make certain you are ensuring your campaign is getting sent to the intended target and not needlessly ending up in some post office recycle bin. As long as the recipient has updated their file, you will generally be alright. However, the post office will not forward your mail forever and you need to be sure that your list is up to date. If you don't run NCOA, eventually the post office will stop forwarding mail from a recipient's old address. That translates to lost marketing dollars for you. And for any of you who read my articles with any regularity, you know that I am not a fan of wasting money.
I should point out that there is a bit of a lag between when a person sends in their change of address card and when the postal service actually updates the list. I have seen it happen as quickly as four days. Conversely, I have also seen it take as long as six weeks! Now remember, the is the postal service so don't bother trying to complain to anyone. And whatever you do, do not blame your mailer if some mail comes back "Undeliverable" before you verify that the post office has the most current address.
I make a special point to mention this because I have been on the receiving end of some very abrasive commentary from clients who's mail was returned, all be it a tiny amount (.002%), when there issue rested with processing time at the post office. My advise is to ask your mailer to through the NCOA service in to your processing charges. They will be more inclined to do so if you are running mailing programs through their facility consistently (at least once a month).

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Network Marketing - Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Most network marketing leaders will tell you to talk to EVERYBODY. Present your offer to anyone who is breathing and has a pulse. I know because when I first started in a few multi-level marketing programs that is exactly what they would advise me. And I in term would advise or train others joining our network marketing team to do.
I call this the "Alice In Wonderland Syndrome". Remember when Alice was totally lost and asked the cat for directions:
Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to
Alice: I don't much care where.
The Cat: Then it doesn't much matter which way you go.
Many of our network marketing leaders are advising you to just go anywhere and talk to anyone. Any wonder why there is such a tremendous burn-out rate of people who enter and then exit the network marketing field? By going anywhere and talking to anyone, you face rejection after rejection. Soon you will stop talking to anyone including the right ones.
Now there are some neat phrases that will be used to encourage you to talk to everyone: "If you are limiting the number of people you talk to, you are limiting the growth of your group.", "There is gold in cold" (which means there is a lot of money to be made by talking to total strangers about your mlm business such as when you get gas, talk to the person getting gas at the next pump about how you have a business opportunity you would like to share with him/her).
Any surprise that network marketing has had such a horrendous reputation? One leader that I heard speak one time compared one of the eager-beaver methods used to prospect as instead of tossing out bits of bread to try to attract the bird (new prospect), they throw an entire loaf of frozen bread at the bird and chase it away. 
As a professional onlime marketer, you need a prospecting tool or lead generation system. You are not talking to everyone to become a member of your team. Remember, the 1.5 billion (that's right, with a "b") people worldwide who are connected to the internet is your market. Since your mlm's compensation plan is probably substantial, you do not need a gazillion people to be financially successful in your particular network marketing business.     
You must let this internet-based, autopilot system do the sorting of prospects for you 24/7.  Letting the system weed out the few players from the large number of tire kickers will save you time (and money).  And, the system is so duplicatable, every team member in your group can very easily set it up and rapidly grow their (your) group as well.
So when members of your team turn to you for advice as to what they can do to quickly (and profitably) build their group, you can wear your best chesire cat grin and say "I know the exact system to give you explosive growth."
Andy "Acci" Acciaioli
3% Of Network Marketers Are The Money-Makers, Making Over $10/Week. The Other 97% Make $10/Week Or Less (OR NOTHING). The 3 Percenters Certainly Don't Waste Their Time (Or Money) Begging The Wrong Prospects To Get In Their Group. Neither Should You. I Can Guide You To A Better Way To Obtain Prospects For YOUR Business. []

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How to Be a Successful Metal Detector

The Internet is littered with advice from keen metal detector enthusiasts advising beginners on how to get the most out of their metal detector and increase the chances of finding something valuable. Here are five of the most interesting tips to get you started.
1. Comb a beach after rain
Even if you have a cheaper metal detector that does not detect to great depths, or if you have already scoured a beach for finds and turned up nothing, it pays to return to the site after it rains because water makes the ground more conductive and your detector's range increases as a result, giving you access to deeper finds that other detectors may have missed!
2. Use your metal detector on snow
Most people would not think to go metal detecting after snowfall, but your detector is just as able to find valuables under snow. As with sand, a ring lost on snow quickly becomes buried. Take a metal detector with you next time you go skiing, as numb fingers and valuable rings often become separated when skiers take off their gloves.
3. Hire or buy the best detector you can afford 
Metal detectors vary greatly in quality and the more expensive models can detect to greater depths, as well as being better able to distinguish trash from something of real value. This can save you a lot of digging time and ensure you have the best chance of making a find.
4. Use old maps
Old maps are a metal detectorist's best friend, as they show the sites of ancient dwellings, paths and roads which can provide clues as to where to go treasure hunting. Look out in particular for sites of old mines, as you never know what might be buried thereabouts by those that dwelled there in ancient times.
5. Forget not the water
Bathers on beaches are typically covered in suncream and when they wander into the surf to wade, they often lose their rings. Return at low tide to scour the shoreline for buried treasure!
Author details:
Michael D. Hall is a consultant at erento, the world's largest online rental marketplace. erento lists over 1 million rental items in 2,200 categories such as Metal Detector hireDehumidifier hire and many others.

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How To Make Money The Old Fashioned Way

There are many advertisements offering to sell you techniques labelled how to make money the easy way but the experts know that these get rich quick schemes are a sham; just a way to separate any fool from his money.
The cognoscenti know the secret and in the early days it is delightfully simple; get rich slowly is the key to wealth. It is a failsafe process and has been around for thousands of years long before Biblical times and the ancients were well-versed in the art of making money.
There are five rules which every aspiring wealth-creator needs to know. First, do not spend all of your salary on your daily needs and wants. Allocate some seed money, money that is used for savings and then when there is enough of it, realistic investment. If you can allot at least 10% of your income to a savings account you will have made a good start. But you must do this every month and not borrow from it, treat it as untouchable and it will be the basis of your future wealth and prosperity.
Secondly, you must invest your savings in fruitful enterprises that provide a good return without attendant risk of loss. If an investment opportunity is too good to be true - it probably is! Remember the maxim a fool and his money are soon parted - it is still true today. So, if you do not understand an investment opportunity, talk to someone who does, or ignore it.
And that is the third way on the path to wealth. Only invest in something you do not fully comprehend if you are guided by people who do know what they are doing. Finding someone who does understand financial investment can be a tricky business these days. Otherwise the major banks would not be in the mess they are in throughout the world. They have taken risks with their capital and done the very opposite of what they advise others to do.
Fourthly, if you invest in something, ensure you understand what you are getting into. The golden rule is, if you do not understand all the implications of the investment, do not do it. The world is full of people who went for the latest hot tip from their hairdresser. Why would you take financial advice from a hairdresser?
And fifthly, beware of rogues, vagabonds and downright thieves who simply want to steal your money by offering impossible interest rates for short-term gain. There are very few viable get rich quick opportunities in the world today so caution, prudence and wisdom are eternal watchwords as your savings increase. Rogues come in all shapes and sizes; some are even your kith and kin. So, beware of relations who want to start a business and have not had the foresight to save anything for investment and want to use your seed capital.
There are no unfathomable secrets in how to make money the old fashioned way because the path is well-trodden by those who are in the know and have had the forethought to learn the lessons. George S. Clason in his novel approach to financial investment, The Richest Man In Babylon knew all about the ancients and their approach to money-making. He cleverly encapsulates some long-standing truths into Babylonian legends which provide some fiscal commonsense sadly lacking in many financial institutions in the recent past. All in all, an excellent read and an admirable text book for those who want to know how to make money the old fashioned way.
Jack has been writing articles for a number of years. As well as specializing in self-help and motivation - he also writes extensively on heartburn and indigestion and has recently become aware of the benefits of CQ10. You can check out his latest website over at

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How to Determine the Value of Gold Coins

The Value of Gold Coins depends on two factors
When determining the value of gold coins, one must consider two factors: Intrinsic Value and Collectors' Premium.
Intrinsic Value and the Selling Price of Gold Coins
The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the gold itself. In other words, if you melted the coin and sold it as bullion, that would be the intrinsic value of the coin. With modern bullion coins (most of the coins on the market), the intrinsic value equals the value of the coin. Bullion coins are offered for sale online and at gold coin dealers. Make sure you determine what the dealer's commission and shipping are for the coin before you buy it. The coin should be priced just above the spot price, so as to include the dealer's commission. Coins priced below the spot price of gold should be avoided-they are most likely fake coins.
Collector's Premium
The collector's premium can greatly add to the value of gold coins. As an example, a rare $20 gold piece from 1861 in mint condition sold for $2.5 Million! Many investors and dealers advise that collectors' coins (also called numismatic, rare or scarce gold coins) perform better as investments than gold bullion coins. There is a barrier to entry though: knowledge. You must do research and know what you are buying and how much it is worth so you do not get duped. For most investors, keeping up with the dynamic collectors' market is a daunting task-they would rather just buy gold bullion coins.
The four factors that contribute to a coin's collector's value are:
  1. Rarity
  2. Grade (or Condition)
  3. Quality
  4. Popularity (often linked to historical significance)

Bullion or Numismatic?
As mentioned above, the choice between investing in numismatic coins versus bullion coins is not always a clear choice. The goals of the investor play an important role, and it comes down to personal choice. Those who select numismatic coins argue for the possibility of a better return on investment over time and the fun of being a collector. Those who select bullion coins argue for the simplicity of the investment and not depending on the collector's market for the value of the coin.
So, there you have it. A gold coin's value can be broken down into intrinsic value and collector's premium. You can make it even simpler by electing to purchase bullion coins, which do not have any collector's premium.
Brian is an expert on gold investing and gold prospecting. His website, The Gold Spot [] is a comprehensive guide to gold investing and gold mining for hobbyists. For more information on the value of gold coins, go to []

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Do Central Banks Control Gold?

When the gold standard was in force, central banks internationally manipulated gold rates in order to protect their national currencies. The best example is the US, where only between 1913 and 1920 inflation rose by a stunning 98%, while the gold price remained the same. In 1933, when it became impossible to keep the same price, while the great depression ravaged the country, the citizens were obliged to sell all their gold for $20 an ounce and then the price of gold was promptly adjusted to $35 dollars an ounce. In this way, its price got in line with inflation. But then again its price was kept artificially low so that by 1970 with an inflation of 306%, the price of gold was still $35. To solve the problem, without having to pay foreign governments in gold, the US just abandoned the gold standard and allowed their citizens to buy gold on the free market.
These days, the control of the gold price by central banks is taking different forms. Central banks signed two five-year gold sales agreements, as a result of their decision to reduce their gold holdings given their current standing up against Euros and dollars. But not only that Germany and Italy - respectively the second and the fourth largest gold holders in the world - have not sold any gold at all, but the other central banks had not respected their quotas either. Finally, not only that all gold sales have virtually ended, but all the central banks, confronted with the decline of currencies in response to the global financial crisis, changed radically their plans, beginning to buy gold, starting with all their domestic resources.
Both previously, as large sellers, and now, as large buyers, central banks have played a fundamental role as regards gold rates. While formerly they succeeded to keep the gold price low by massive sales, now they are pushing it up by massive purchases. Given that they buy by the ton, the price can go up by even thousands of dollars. On the other hand, given that their only interest is to buy gold, without being hampered by profit making goals, but aiming only at hedging their reserves and, as such, surviving, there is nothing to stop them from buying as much as they can in the foreseeable future, except for the lack of supply. Both by the quantities they require and by their increasing the price, they may prevent retail investors to purchase gold.
At the same time, they may control gold by increasing inflation. Under the Bretton Wood agreement, central banks printing money undertook to have their currencies backed by US dollars. But with the huge debt of the US that has pushed the dollar value down, the Federal Reserve printed, for instance, 1 trillion dollars in just two years in order to cope. This is the surest way to increase inflation and weaken the dollar further and, consequently, the value of other currencies backed by it. But gold is a commodity as any other commodity. When the dollar value decreases, all commodities become more expensive, the oil and gold included, sellers expecting devaluation.
Therefore, either by buying gold to protect their currency reserves, or by printing currency to pay national debts, central banks actually control the price of gold.
Learn from professionals how buying gold can help you in times of recession.

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Forex Trading Secrets - How Do Gold and Oil Prices Impact Currency Prices and Your Forex Profits?

Financial markets today are intertwined. Even though the forex market is the "grand daddy" of all other markets based on sheer size and daily volume, currency movements are correlated to other smaller financial markets, namely gold and oil. Here's an analysis of how movements in gold and oil impact the forex market.
Gold has always been a valuable investment option, an alternative to the U.S dollar, and even as a hedge against inflation. While it is true that the long term correlation between the gold and the forex is just the opposite that is when the US$ is trading low, the price of gold is higher and vice versa, the short term correlation between the two is almost zero as each market reacts based on its own internal dynamics and liquidity.
Perhaps it might be concluded that the gold market, which is significantly smaller than the forex market depends more on the performance of the forex market, rather than the other way around as it is often seen. That said any intense fluctuations in the gold prices could influence the US $ and invoke the law of inverse movements and plunge the value of the dollar.
Now this is a 'slippery' area where many new forex traders go berserk thanks to the misinformation doing the rounds! The raw connection that one can see is that the currencies of the biggest oil producing countries could rise or fall depending on the increase or decrease in their oil productions. Another theory is that the currencies of the oil importing countries will fall when the oil prices shoot up.
However, correlation studies on the impact of oil on the forex market have shown no such strong relationships between the two especially on the short term which is the focus of most currency trading. Perhaps the best way to track the currency market movement is to ascertain the long term correlation between oil prices and the forex market from the inflationary viewpoint and its impact on the economic growth. For example an increase in global oil prices could mean higher inflation and a slow-down in the country's economic growth which could impact the movement of the US$. Except for this one the impact of oil on forex is only as good as the other financial markets.
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The American Dollar and How it Effects the Price of Gold

The US economy affects directly and indirectly not only the economies of other countries but the prices of the various major commodities all over the world as well. The US dollar also determines the strength of the currencies of other countries. It is a standard unit for gauging or assessing the strength or weakness of all other currencies.
Before the American dollar started dictating and controlling the economies of the world, gold was considered to be the international currency. The prices of gold controlled the balancing mechanism of the market. It acted like a self correcting force that ensured smooth trading among the different countries. Back in 1971, with the end of Bretton Woods Agreement, Gold was declared to be an irredeemable currency; meaning thereby that dollar could not be defined or measured in gold, in the USA.
This escalated in the use of paper money or the American Dollar internationally as well. Almost all foreign banks held their core reserves in Dollars, and this is how they traded with the USA. When foreigners sell something to the USA, they get American dollars in exchange. This creates a deficit in the balance of payments, and the foreigners buy gold in exchange of dollars. This caused inflation in the USA and it also affected the currencies of other countries.
Consequently, gold and the American Dollar today, have an inversely proportional relationship with each other. When the American Dollar strengthens, the price of gold falls; and when the American Dollar weakens, gold price increases.
People naturally turn to buying gold whenever they fear that inflation will hit their lives. They lose confidence in paper money or the US dollar, and start investing in gold because they firmly believe that no matter what, gold will pay always them back in the long run unlike the weakening dollar.
Nonetheless, the American dollar is still seen as the safest currency by the central banks of all countries around the world. Though, the American dollar is one of the 'fiat currencies', and economists suggest that all fiat currencies are doomed to fail one day. This is because the governments cannot maintain the value of the currencies because of so many factors: high interest rates and inflation. All they can do is to print and pump more paper money, or electronic money into the banks and market, which in turn devalues the currency.
Gold and bullion are 'non-fiat' currencies, because they are present in their physical forms. Only so much gold or bullion would be available to the people, as is present in the physical market. This is the reason why their value increases with the growing demand for them as the safest investment. The American dollar has weakened because of its credit crunch and because other countries started resisting to invest in it because of its weakening trend.
Gold prices rose to a new high as the US economy started to collapse since 1995. Since then gold prices have shot up tremendously.
Learn how to buy gold by taking help of professionals and reduce risks of loss for investment.

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How Gold Affects the Forex Market

The "gold standard" is a monetary system in which the values are defined as a determined weight in gold. Under this standard, the institutions issuing the money guarantee the backing of the bills of that amount in gold. In the past, the same was used to commercialize commodities and trade in other currencies. Those who defend this system argue it is more resistant to the expansion of credit and debt, since the money backed by gold cannot be created arbitrarily by the governments. This would prevent artificial inflation due to the devaluation of a currency, and it supposedly eliminates the uncertainty of such currency.
But the gold standard began to show its weaknesses when an economy strengthened, and increased importing foreign services and goods. This would empty out the gold reserves necessary for backing currency, reducing the monetary mass, followed by an increase in interest rates, and a slowed down economic activity leading up to a recession. Then, the low price on the merchandise would generate a massive buy from foreign countries, reverting the process. The oscillating patterns of peak and fall maintained until the bursting of the First World War interrupted the market flow and the free movement of gold.
After both Wars, the Bretton Woods Agreement (1944) was issued as a product of the resolutions made at the Financial and Monetary Conference of the United Nations, in which rules were set for commercial and financial relations between the most industrialized countries in the world. In this was decided to create a World Bank and an International Monetary Fund, and use the dollar as an international currency, fixing its value in terms of gold at 35 dollars an ounce (at that time the United States held more tan 60% of the gold reserves in the world). The Agreement expired in 1971, and by the year of 1973, the currencies of the most important industrialized countries started to flow more freely, controlled by the supply and demand forces that acted on the Exchange Market. New financial instruments appeared, the market was deregulated and the commerce freed.
In the 80's, the technology opened new frontiers and the circulation of capital between countries accelerated, extending the continuity of the market throughout the time zones in Asia, Europe and America. Currency transactions shot up from around U$S 70 billion a day in the mid 80's, to more than $2.5 trillion a day, two decades later. The combination of low margin and high leverage has changed the way in which the interbank market for currency operates. The Exchange Market, which before was exclusive for big investors and financial institutions, today is available for a single investor and not so big institutions thanks to the Internet and online brokers, with real time transactions and charts.
Gold in the Forex Market
In Forex, the symbol for gold is XAU. The price of gold is measured by its weight, and it refers to the value of an ounce in dollars. Transactions with the prices of gold are done the same way as with currencies, by two way or OTC (Over the Counter). This means, managed between two parties without the need of a third party to consolidate the trade. These types of transactions are negotiated in a virtual manner, since they do not require the physical exchange of the commercialized merchandise, considering gold as "XAU," as if it were just another currency. These operations are only done in regard to the United States Dollar (USD).
In general, when the price of gold increases, the value of the dollar decreases. For such reason, investors operate in gold to balance out their earnings and loses against the dollar. Also, since gold tends to maintain its purchasing power over time, investors usually purchase this currency to counteract the effects of inflation and the variations in the value of currencies. The purchasing power of many currencies has generally diminished as a consequence of the impact of the increase in prices of commodities and services.
In the Exchange Market, some investors also purchase and sell gold due to speculations, trying to make profit from the small fluctuations in prices. Nonetheless, the price of gold is very unpredictable, since it is mainly used as a purchasing power reserve, and it is consequently subject to many monetary and psychological factors. Investing short term to make more profit than with other types of investments can be very risky.
Since it is used as a reserve, the price of gold is closely linked to how other alternative investments behave, how the currencies, bonds and stocks are. The price of gold tends to rise when in the middle of monetary instability and the fall of capital markets. Also events such as wars and natural disasters influence on the price. The price of gold has been rising due to a weak dollar and the unstable stock market situation. Nonetheless, its real price, adjusted by inflation, is today much lower than it was in the early 80's. Either way the current trend is in the rise, since in the last five years the nominal price of gold rose from US$330 an ounce in April of 2003 to US$900 in early April of 2008.
The rising prices of gold can affect other currencies, specially those countries with the greater production of this metal. For example, Australia is the third highest exporter of gold, and Canada is the third major producer. Therefore, we may speculate with transactions in Australian or Canadian dollars waiting to become stronger as the price of gold rises.
In the forex market, gold is neutral, which means it is not connected to any particular country, and increments in its price influence the transactions in diverse currencies. The prices of gold are important catalyst in the forex market.
Currently there are five main gold markets, all of which are based off of New York, London, Zurich, Hong Kong and Sidney. Unlike stock markets, the price of gold is subject to the perception of some important brokers who communicate with each other and "set" the price several times a day. This process gives more stability to the given price offering points of reference which are updated according to how the supply and demand move. The fact that all markets are in different time zones, allows transactions 24 hours a day. The main currencies used in these transactions are the dollar and the euro. A while back the British pound was the dominating currency, it is not so today.
Gold plays an additional role, which is to serve as a purchasing power reserve. Even though it may be used in productive processes, the more part of the demand of gold comes from its use as a reserve.
Reasons to invest in gold
1. Gold is not affected by inflation nor devaluation. Nonetheless, it does not lose its daily value like it happens with paper money.
2. Gold is considered as a wealth reserve. Gold has demonstrated to improve its value in times of crisis or war, when alternative investments tend to fall.
3. Gold is NOT under political control. No government can influence on its price.
4. Currently, gold reserves are limited. This influences positively on its price, since it must rise when it is a limited resource.
5. It is an easy investment. It is a currency accepted globally and it does not present many difficulties to exchange, nor exaggerated taxes.
6. It is a safe and worthwhile investment. In 2009, up to now it has a return of about 17%.
7. Its main use is for reserves. There is very little gold for sale since it is used as a reserve, therefore we may expect its price to continue increasing
8. It allows diverse forms of investments. Bricks, deposit certificates, future and options on gold, investment funds.
9. Gold is considered the best investment in times of crisis. Gold is considered a good liquid asset and its value always increases during these times..
10. It does not pay VAT (Value-Added Tax)
Jack Maben is the marketing executive of forexandpips, for information about the online Forex and Forex signals visit at:

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5 Reasons Why the Gold Price Will Rise Rapidly

People are always looking for ways to increase their income or to get a little extra cash to get them through the week. Maybe you have a holiday coming up and you didn't get a bonus from your boss or you need a little extra cash to tide you over until the next payday, but you don't know where to find the cash. One of the best ways to get that holiday bonus that you want is to sell the old broken pieces of gold jewelry that you have.
Most people do not realize that the price of gold is rising rapidly. Below are the 5 top reasons why gold it going up in value so quickly.
1. Supply and demand- this is one of the top reasons that gold is going up in value. The production of gold has slowed down since the economy has gone into a recession so the demand for gold has gone up. More and more companies are offering above and beyond the going rate for gold just so they can get their hands on one of the hottest commodities. It is said in order to decrease the demand for a product you need to raise the price.
2. China is adding to their reserve of gold. It has been well known that China is trying to increase the amount of gold that they hold so for that reason alone the price of gold has gone up. They are pushing for their citizens to invest or buy more gold and they need to be sure that they have an excess amount of gold in stock to meet their demands. They hold the title for the most populated area so their demand for gold is much higher than any other area.
3. India is one of the main manufactures for jewelry and they hold the title for main mining area for gold. They plan on continuing to buy up gold for manufacturing jewelry as the amount of mining has gone down.
4. Since the economy is dealing with inflation it is only natural that the price of gold is pushed to the limit. This makes it the ideal time for people to get rid of any unwanted gold items such as broken jewelry. More and more jewelry stores as well as internet companies are offering top dollar for any gold items. In some cases these companies are offering an additional 20% bonus if you act within a certain time frame.
5. The overall value of currency. There has been a steady decline in the value of the dollar which automatically makes the price of gold go up. When the value of currency goes down it lessens the security of the monetary value money holds so more people turn to buying precious metals where their investment is much safer.
The author is a regular writer on gold investment article. He also write on other topics such as sleeping bags for kids [] as well as coleman sleeping bags [].

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Four Reasons To Invest in Gold Now

Sir John Templeton once quoted, "Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria. The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell." Sir John Templeton was an American-born British stock investor and mutual fund pioneer. The bull market he was referring to are investments that increased over an extended period.
The term "bull" is also a term that refers to the investor who perceive that a certain market in going to go up. In the recent years, we see how gold affects the international market. At the first period of a gold bull market, the value of gold hikes up because of currency devaluation. At the second period, prices of gold still grow due to the increased investment demand. During these first two periods, the gold bull market can offer profitable returns. As projected, in the third and final period, investors are made instant millionaires. These days, the value of gold is still on the rise. Having that said, experts recommend investing in gold now. Are you still not convinced? Following are the excellent reasons why you should start your gold portfolio today.
Gold Protects You Against Inflation
Inflation happens when there is a rise of the value of goods and services in a certain place and time. When there is a price hike, the unit of currency buys lesser commodities and services. There will be a wearing down of the purchasing power of money. Another possible reason why there is a drop in currency is the printing of too much money around the globe Gold, is different. It is independent from any administration. Its purchasing power has been stable over the long term. If you are familiar with "fiat" currencies, all of today's other currencies like the dollars, euros and yen belong to this group. It only means that they do not characterize anything physical but only are worthy because of the governing law or decree of the country it is used.
One Of Its Kind
Certainly, there are many other precious metals out there. However, gold is different. It is a rare commodity. It is approximately five parts for every billion of the earth's crust. It is not easy to find and it can be very expensive to mine. The number of mined gold has dramatically slowed down, infrequently more than 2% annually.
Diversify Investment Portfolio
Investing includes risks. Not all investment are successful some are doomed to fail. The main goal of diversification is to reduce the possible risk of investment. It also helps grow wealth. Diversifying your portfolio can be done within the same category or outside the category. Within means you are venturing on the same type of vehicle. Say you are investing in precious metals, you can diversify by adding gold, silver or platinum in your portfolio. Outside diversification is adding different types of vehicles. For example, precious metals and stocks.
If you are the type of investor who wants to have a physical hold of your investment, then gold is the one for you. There are many ways to invest in gold. You can choose to invest in bars, bullion, coins and jewelries. Jewelries are the most common types. It comes in chic and glamorous designs. If you are bored with your gold jewelry, you can sell it and buy new designs on the market.
Gold indeed is a very powerful investment. It is different from fiat currencies that are affected by economic and national threats. If you are thinking of investing, try gold and learn how you can maximize its value.
Sell gold today and earn maximum price.Get information on how to sell gold today.

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How a Weak Dollar Affects Gold Prices

The U.S. Dollar Is Backed by Gold, Right?
The dollar is down, gold goes up. This is particularly confusing phenomenon to those folks who still think that the American dollar is backed by gold. It isn't. At one time every U.S. dollar in circulation was backed by gold, but today the U.S. dollar is backed only by the so-called "full faith and credit" of the United States.
The Bretton Woods Agreement
Following World War II, a system much like the Gold Standard was established under the Bretton Woods Agreement. The system allowed for many countries to fix their exchange rates relative to the dollar. Under the agreement, the U.S. promised to establish the price of gold at thirty-five dollars an ounce. All currencies that were pegged to the U.S. dollar had a fixed value that was determined by gold. Because of this agreement, the U.S. dollar was accepted in nearly every corner of the globe. The dollar held value everywhere. After all, you could exchange it for its value in gold. (That is, if you were a foreigner. Citizens of the U.S. weren't allowed to own gold between the years of 1933 and 1974).
For a time, the Bretton Wood Agreement fulfilled its goal of maintaining stability among the currencies around the world following a devastating war. Eventually, however, imbalances in the system led to its demise. In 1971, President Nixon eliminated the fixed price for gold, which made gold a commodity like any other. Gold was now subject to the law of supply-and-demand. But it no longer backs the American dollar. But unlike other commodities, gold is still perceived as being a reliable and tangible investment.
Gold Inspires Confidence
When the American dollar is weak, the price of gold goes up. It seems only natural that people turn to buying gold when they fear an economic collapse. Investors who have lost confidence in the U.S. dollar or the stock market invest in gold with more vigor because they believe that gold will always be valuable. Gold is a so-called non-fiat currency. This type of currency is present in physical form, and there is only "so much" gold in the world. For this reason, it is perceived as a safe investment. On the other hand, the American dollar is a currency that is fiat currency that can be printed and pumped into the economy, or even inserted into the economy electronically. It is easy to see why investors trust that gold will be worth something, even if the dollar falls completely.
Gold Prices Never Higher
Why is the dollar falling right now? As mentioned above, the U.S. dollar is backed up, not by gold, but by the "full faith and credit" of the United States. That sounds good on paper - but in reality, when the U.S.' credit rating was downgraded in the fall of 2011 by Standard & Poor's, it was bad news for the dollar. How can you have faith in a dollar that is only backed up by "full faith and credit" of a country whose credit is no longer spotless? Investors see gold as a safer bet in the current economic climate, and economists say that the trend is only poised to continue. Gold has never been higher, which is good news for folks looking to sell scrap gold to help them get through tough economic times.

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Why Gold Prices Are So Stable

There are many ways to find the current gold prices online. Gold costs are known to consistently go up over time, no matter what the value of currency is doing.

Factors that affect the gold price

One of the main ones is the price of currency. As currency around the world is devalued because of inflation, more people begin buying gold as a hedge against it. The more demand there becomes for this commodity, the more the price goes up.

One of the reasons for inflation is the rising oil prices. This puts the pressure on governments to print more money. As this happens, the currency goes down in value, which is when people start putting money in stable assets like gold.

Currency is very unstable

The only real value currency that is not backed by gold has is whatever the government says. However, gold has real value. Therefore, gold is a stable investment, particularly in times of inflation.

Why gold prices are stable

You might be wondering why gold prices do not change like currency. There are a couple reasons. For one thing, there is a limited supply of gold in the world, so it is affected by supply and demand.
Also, there is a globally accepted standard for the gold price, known as gold fixing. This gives a price for the gold globally. The first time it was fixed was over 90 years ago. In other words, gold is not impacted by changes in the local currency.

Why invest in gold

The main reason is security. Gold does not go up in value the way some stocks do, and you probably will not see a 20% yearly return on investment from it. However, it does consistently go up year after year, while other investments do not. It is one of the most stable investments you can possibly put money in. Again, this is because it is not affected by inflation and other market factors that stocks and other investments get impacted by.

Another reason is that gold is very liquid. When it comes time to selling it, there are always buyers, and you will have no trouble getting rid of it. This again is not always the case with other investments.

Ways to buy gold

There are a number of strategies for purchasing it. The best ways are to either purchase bullion, jewelry, or some other product with lots of gold in it. You could purchase stocks of a gold company, but these are less stable because companies can be mismanaged. The best way to capitalize on gold prices is to purchase the commodity itself.
The author has spent a lot of time learning about Gold Prices and other related topics. Read more about Gold Price at the author's website.
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Prospects - The Old and the New Version

Prospecting Facts and Tips.
Prospecting is the physical search for mineral deposits, fossils, precious metals or mineral specimens, and is also known as fossicking. It includes environmental mapping and rock attempt study, and sometimes the instinct of the prospector, for placer gold is traditionally prepared with a gold pan or similar instrument to clean free gold particles from loose surface deposit, and like disenchanting and milling, can be boiled down to a literally easy set of set of laws. Like the former style of prospecting in this era and age you still have to sift through the false gold to find the real gold its merely discarding all the categorical leads and retaining the gold. Is a single function from sales and with Prospecting Services Premier Lead Program is intended to supply highly skilled student inquiries from high profile, content-rich Web properties straight to your institution.
Sales prospecting is a fundamental activity for for the most part sales determined little businesses. Numerous sales group insist on prospecting without any script, it doesn't take an armour suit and great courage to deal with the phobia of rejection during prospecting, you can browse hundreds of boundless prospecting tips and tricks through Serious prospecting ought to not be attempted by somebody without adequate capital to maintain a long and maybe discouraging operation of preliminary effect I would say though no more than $100's of dollars not $1000's, some have done and achieved accomplishment with fewer than a dollar.
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Prospects take only a few minutes to determine if they wants your benefits and can afford your company's product or service. Take the time to revisit your assumptions about sales prospecting. The constant rejection was excruciating until I learned the myths toward sales prospecting. The job of prospecting is to find qualified leads that may buy your product. Myth #2: Prospecting is a numbers game. The old school of prospecting for business relies on contacting large numbers of cold contacts. Just keep an open mind to challenge the old school of sales and the myths of prospecting. Although the exercise and outdoor activity experienced in prospecting are rewarding, there are few thrills comparable to finding gold. The would-be prospector hoping for financial gain, however, should carefully consider all the pertinent facts before deciding on a prospecting venture. Just like the prospector panning for gold it's a similar world to that pan carefully. Good Luck.
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Gold Prospecting - Time Saving Techniques

Gold prospectors have new products to help process material faster than ever before. And speed can be a prospector's best friend when searching for that "pot of gold."
Traditional methods used in gold prospecting involved the tedious task of classifying material, and hand feeding the sluice box. This process involved loading screens with stream bed gravel, manually agitating the material, discarding the unwanted rocks and debris, and feeding the sluice box one handful at a time. It was an inefficient, labor intensive process.
New products have been designed to resolve these issues, and streamline the process of screening material. These products are opening the doors for a new generation of "power-prospectors", who prefer to process material in a fast-paced, efficient manner. More end product in less time, who wouldn't like that?
There are an assortment of products available, each with their own unique design.
The high bank style, which allows the user to add material directly to an enclosed, multi level sluice box is one such design. The unclassified material is added to the top screen, and bucketfuls of water are added to wash the desired material into the box. The unwanted materials (large rocks and debris) are then discarded in a semi manual fashion. This product is unique in that it does not require running water to operate, although it does require quite a bit of manual labor to operate.
A similar high bank style uses either a manual pump, or motor powered pump to operate. The unclassified material is placed into a box, and water is introduced by the pump. The desired material is washed into the capturing screens, and the unwanted materials are automatically discharged from the box. This product has its pros and cons. The unwanted materials sometimes require manual intervention to be discharged, and this product relies on pumps to operate. These pumps also require the user to carry long sections of heavy hose, motors, and heavy batteries to the prospecting site.
The "under current" style sluice boxes available are very fast, and fairly efficient. They are similar to a traditional sluice box, with one exception. They use a split-level design, which allows the faster current (above) to automatically discharge unwanted materials, while the slower current (below) captures the gold and other desirable material. Again, this product has its ups and downs. Higher water velocity means less fine gold recovery, and the user will see less gold in his pan at the end of the day.
The automatic, water powered screener, such as the Rockslide, is another alternative. It uses a water wheel powered vibrating screener to automatically screen material, discharge unwanted material, and feed the sluice box. Since it is water powered, it does not require motors or batteries to operate. It is portable, and can be taken where dredges and other powered equipment can't go, or is not permitted. Unlike the other products mentioned, it does not require high water velocity to operate, and therefore is better at catching fine gold.
With gold prices soaring, prospecting can be a fun, and profitable hobby for the weekend warrior. With the help of these new technologies, anyone can can join the new Gold Rush.
Robert Tussey, The Rockslide,

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