Network Marketing - How to Write a Powerful Prospecting Script

The definition of prospecting is "to search or explore a region for minerals, fossils, precious metals or mineral specimens." Prospecting is about searching for something of value. In writing a prospecting script for your network marketing business you are searching for the right prospect and not just any prospect.

The definition continues... "The traditional methods of prospecting involved combing through the countryside, often through creek beds and along ridgelines and hilltops, often on hands and knees looking for signs of mineralisation in the outcrop." (Reference: Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia)
Traditionally prospectors painstakingly sifted and sorted through tons of soil and rock to find signs of gold. The same applies to your prospecting script it needs to sort and sift out the valuable prospect from the 'tyre kicker' or the time waster.

Not Everyone Is Your Prospect
In network marketing too often people understand prospecting as talking to everyone in sight about your product and then convincing them to buy. This is like gathering every rock in sight and then trying to convince the buyer they have gold in them! If we saw a prospector doing this we'd say he/she was crazy, right? Contrary to what you may have been told not everyone is your prospect.

Finding The Right Audience
Your prospecting script needs to find out if your prospect needs, wants or desires your network marketing product or service. If they are not ready to listen let them go. Don't waste your time or theirs trying to convince them. Prospecting is about sorting, not convincing.
The first step in developing your prospecting script is to know who your target market is and who is not your market. To do this effectively you must know the benefits and value of your network marketing product.

Once you have defined your target audience then follow the steps to create your prospecting script:

1. Write a prospecting script that can attract the largest yes audience for your network 
marketing product. Later on you can target more specifically.
2. Write a prospecting script that gets their attention and holds their interest. To hold their interest:

(a) promise them something unbelievable or
(b) scare them to death (attention) and then promise to fix it (interest)
Do this ethically and with integrity and if you scare them to death then you better promise to fix it.

3. Write a script that gets a commitment or decision from your prospect to take action, based on their desire not yours. It has to be the prospect's enthusiasm and desire that gets them to the briefing - not yours.

4. Create a prospecting script that sorts not convinces. Ask if they are serious. Let them fall out if they are not serious.

5. Our target is not to get closes at this point. We are only testing and sorting. It is about finding the right audience and getting them to do as you want.

6. Don't mention your actual network marketing product, service or company.

 Don't even use those words. Otherwise your prospect makes a judgment and then a decision. Your prospecting script needs to create curiosity. Only tell the benefit and value.
To find a template of a prospecting script for your network marketing business written by a world renowned script writer click on the link below.

Click on... [] to get a prospecting script template and other hot tools, techniques and training to massively grow your network marketing business.

Ruth and Richard Webster are successful Business Growth Specialists who help people transform their struggling home-based businesses into wealth creating enterprises. They have successful global businesses in health and wellness and in marketing training and coaching.
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